January 27, 2013

Happy Monday - Happy Food!

Food that makes me happy? Truth? Donuts!!!

Donuts make me happy...but so does cheese, french toast, fresh strawberries (still warm from the sun!), french fries, a crisp green apple, bacon, peanut butter and chocolate milkshakes, kefir, dried apricots and pretty much any fresh fruit.

Now I realize that I cannot grow bacon or french toast in my garden :-(  but I can grow some very yummy, very healthy, fruits and veggies. So that's my plan to add some happiness to my life through food! I have already planted strawberries, carrots, blackberries, mint and some green onions. When it gets a little warmer I am planning on adding some lettuce, tomatoes and herbs to the mix. Any additional suggestions would be much appreciated!

Not only will I get to have happy food on my table, but my son loves to garden with me (maybe he just like playing in the dirt?). That is a wonderful, happy side benefit that I look forward to!

So what food makes you happy? Link up any relevant post about food, recipes, restaurants - the sky's the limit (or just comment if you don't blog)! Grab the button, link up and check out some other posts. Thanks for stopping by for week 2 of Happy Monday!

Crazy Casa K, Happy Blog


  1. I love Fried Chicken, there is something about it to me that on my worst days, it just makes me feel better. I realize it is not healthy, luckily my bad days are not often. I love gardening as well. Getting ready to start one and can not wait.

  2. I'm an ice cream girl :) If it's really a rough day? .... a lot of ice cream :) FYI: your pictures are very, very well done!

    1. Thank you so much! I love good ice cream too :) Ben & Jerry's especially!

  3. My kids and I are trying our hand at growing strawberries this year. :-)

    Julia @ Mom on the Run x2

  4. Happy Monday! Love it...now you've got me hungry! :-)

  5. IT is so important for little ones to play in the dirt and garden and spend time in nature! Your little guy is so lucky that you do that with him!!! I may try gardening in containers this year with some green onions and lettuces too. My fav food is raw spinach leaves!

    1. Really? Raw spinach leaves? I don't mind them with bacon though... :) I love seeing my little guy playing int he dirt, makes me so happy :)

  6. I really want to grow a fruit garden. Strawberries definitely make me happy! I'm also a big fan of anything citrusy, more for the scent than the taste. While the taste is great, the smell of oranges instantly cheers me up!

    1. My dad gave me some citrus essential oils - lim and grapefruit always make me happy!

  7. I use to grow gardens with my kids and it was a nice family activity and really taught my kids how food was grown and not just bought from the grocery.

    1. Isn't it great? I love letting him pick basil from the garden and then help us put it in his dinner!

  8. Thanks alot... Now I am SO wanting your food, those strawberries look amazing!!!!

  9. Your newest follower via GFC, Twitter, and Bloglovin'. Cheers!


  10. I love anything with cheese! Oh, and your son looks so cute with that wheel barrow!


  11. I love ice cream- straight from the carton!

  12. Oh what a fun link up =) This made me hungry then it made me happy.... my happy food are crepes and I made those tonight for dinner!

    1. I have no idea how to make crepes, you will have to share your recipe!

  13. Hi Meghan! I saw your post about today's "Happy Monday" over on Happify Pioneers on FB--> Thanks for the reminder! ;oP

    ...Honestly, I LOVE all good food, and am always looking to add to my list of favorites! ;) However, for the sake of brevity (sort of) here, I turn to these staples when my "happy" is in the comfort of good food: CHEESE, coffee, wine (red) &chocolate (dark), crusty (warm) bread, fresh berries, pretzels (of almost any variety), fish tacos, Italian wedding soup, Shepard's pie, and hot dog stew (yes!). =) ...NOW, I'm hungry!! ;oP

    Looking forward to next week's "Happy Monday"! =)~xo~

    1. Other than hot dog stew (ew??) I'm totally there with you! Isn't it amazing how food can really alter your mood? Good cheese makes me so happy too :) Thanks for stopping by! Hope this added to your happiness - it did for me ;)

  14. I love when I bring in food from my garden and we enjoy fresh vegetables!

  15. I love the idea of growing your own stuff. We have a yard now but no lawn or anything like that. I'm going to try my hand at some container plants this year though.

    1. My husband built planter boxes - they have been great. Containers are good too - can move them inside if you have to!

  16. The french toast look delish! Now I want some :) I love that your son gargen's with you!

    1. I love that he gardens with me - I hope he'll continue to like it!

  17. Look at your cute helper. :)

    I haven't had stawberries warmed from the sun in sooo long, that was a good memory!

  18. I just love food in general. I like fried foods mostly!

    1. Fried food is my downfall! But in the moment nothing makes me happier :)

  19. Yummmm I want to come over to your place for breakfast on Mondays!! haha



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