January 29, 2013

Exercise Update - Walk at Lunch!

It's week four (gulp) of the New Year, No Excuses challenge. I am still hovering in the 5 lbs. lost area. It is harder than I thought!

Regardless, where I am succeeding is in the exercise category. I have a great co-worker with whom I walk/run every day during my lunch break. In addition, my husband and I are keeping up with Couch-to-5k challenge. Just sticking to an exercise plan is a big win for me - I'm usually not great at exercise follow through. Both activities are a lot of fun. For me, exercise doesn't go over so well as a solitary activity.

So - we decided to sign up for a race - as a family! This will be my first 5k pushing the running stroller - so wish us lots of luck!

How are you doing on your exercise goals? Any great workouts you can recommend?


  1. As my new year resolution, I started c25k too! Week 4 killed me yesterday. I am also doing yoga 2x a week. I have only missed one yoga session today due to a sick baby but doing good so far!

    1. I'm starting week 4 tomorrow...Hope I make it through. Awesome that you are making yoga. I haven't taken yoga since I was pregnant - and had no baby to run home to!



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