January 26, 2013

Waking Up Married - Book Review

Waking Up Married
By Mira Lynn Kelly
224 pp. Harlequin KISS
Source: NetGalley, currently free on amazon.com

Romance Book Review
Her first thought: "Who are you?"

It's the morning after her cousin's bachelorette party in Vegas and Megan Scott wakes up with the mother of all hangovers. Even worse, she's in a stranger's penthouse having woken up with something else as well—a funny, arrogant, sexy...husband!

Up until now, finding even a boyfriend had seemed impossible—been there, got the broken heart, sworn off men for good. Then a few martinis with Carter...no, Connor Reed and she's gone from first meet to marriage in one night!

Megan wants a lawyer. But Connor's shocking bombshell? "I don't want a divorce."

My Thoughts:
One of the secrets I have yet to divulge yet, is that I really like "chick-lit." I know that I should be reading more substantive novels, but sometimes I just need a story that I know will have a happy ending, not too many surprises and not to many demands on your intellect!

I had the chance to read "Waking Up Married" recently and it fit the bill. Though, it is firmly in the Romance category, not really chick-lit. I had to admit the premise seems a little overdone - Girl goes to Vegas, gets drunk, wakes up hung over...and married (to a hot, rich, nice guy - no less). Sound familiar? But - then it actually adds some depth to the characters and finds a real plot! 

It actually addressed many of the complications of modern relationships - finding that perfect someone without getting hurt and before the biological clock runs out (for both men and women!). The relationship dynamics were much more interesting that I anticipated, showed actual depth and made me root for them to end up happy. Megan (great name, right?) and Connor sift through different expectations, struggling with their real feelings and wanting the relationship to be a certain way (just like all of us). 

Though it didn't keep me up into the wee hours of the night (a sign that I am truly addicted to the book), it did keep me interested and intrigued. Overall, I'd give it 3/5 stars. A great diversion!


  1. Love the honesty and we all need a just for fun book every now and then. I would love to check this out and will add it to my list.

  2. I love a light uncomplicated read that doesn't have tons of thought provoking dilemmas. Sometimes when life has its own share of complications, this is the perfect diversion. Thanks for the review!

  3. This sounds like my kind of book, I am a fan of chick movies and chick-lit too!! Sometimes you just need that light heartedness. :)

  4. This sounds like a great book for when you want something to read but need a break from intense plots!!

  5. This sounds like a wonderful book! Sounds like a read I would love! THanks for sharing!

  6. Sound like a fun beach read, a pleasant way to relax and have a few minutes of amusement.



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