July 1, 2013

Color Run Pomona!

Well, we did it! We ran a Color Run :) I was with my husband who ran the entire way - I'm so proud! It was fun - more fun than I expected. But it was HOT. When we got back to the car the car told me it was 104 degrees. That is too hot! I think I was more tired after this run than the 10K I ran a few week ago.

There were tons of people - wave after wave after wave of runners. It is definitely not a race if you care about your time - since there is NO race clock. But everyone was happy, smiling, and having a great time (including me!).

It was definitely a fun time! Nick Cannon did the race countdown and performed at the end. According to other runners they were generous with the color - so everyone ended up layered in color by the end...which is the point, isn't it? They changed one of the stations to a water and color station to help with the heat and there was plenty of swag given out :)

Post Race Clothes!
Not sure I need to do another one, but I am glad I did it at least once!


  1. Glad you had fun. The Color Run is one of the most fun races I've ever done. Positivity just flows everywhere. I look forward to my next one.

  2. I really think I have to do one. I am a little turned off by how messy it is, but messy is fun, right? I love all the energy that seems to abound from the pictures and recaps.

  3. Sounds like Houston - we have had triple digit weather for the past week - ugh!! I can't imagine running in it so KUDOS to all of you. It sounds like it was fun and inspiring. Just goes to show you the importance of community. Thanks!

  4. I'm doing one this weekend. Really excited for a run that is for the sole purpose of "fun."

  5. Sounds brilliant - Colour Run has arrived in the UK this year & I have signed up for my local one with my 17 yo daughter in September! More excited about doing it than any other I've done in the last few years

  6. Sounds brilliant - Colour Run has arrived in the UK this year & I have signed up for my local one with my 17 yo daughter in September! More excited about doing it than any other I've done in the last few years

  7. I am waiting to do the one when it comes here. One the pre-registration list and can not wait. The heat does make it worse for running, I was at a 5k event this weekend and they said it was like a 5 mile event due to the heat index. Congrats to you and your husband.

  8. That looks so fun! Great job!

  9. These are sure popular right now. I haven't ever done any kind of run yet, but I'm working toward my goal of running a mile. That's a start! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  10. Looks like fun, but I have to ask. Do your shoes get destroyed? I just couldn't do it if they do, my running shoes cost way too much, lol.

    1. My shoes are totally fine! I was very worried - but not a problem. My socks and toes were much worse off!

  11. I first Googled to find out what a Colour run is! And it sure looked a lot of fun, and your pictures echo that too.
    I dropped in from the Facebook page of Ultimate Blog Challenge.

  12. I have never done a color run! Looks fun ;-) That is WAYYY too hot for me to run. You are a warrior to run in that heat!



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