June 28, 2013

Drink Your Water!

I am in week 9(!) now of the Revolt Now Fitness program. I am still amazed at the results and have been (fairly) dedicated to the program. I find that the hardest part for me? Not the food, nor the exercise, but drinking enough water!
My life is full of water bottles!  
The program calls for a gallon of water a day. Yep, that's a lot of water. I religiously tried at first. I could hardly make it through hour long meetings! I have been really good about drinking a half gallon a day. But not so much on the gallon.

I have tried lemon in the water, different types of bottles, some sugar free drink mixes. It's just a lot of liquid. I know water is great for you, but the gallon just seems insurmountable! I've honestly also been struggling with the workouts this month. They are longer than the last months and I just can't fit it in - I think this has been making me less motivated. So I've modified this weeks to see if I can get it to be 30 minutes. 

So I know you are just dying to know my progress at this point, right? :) Well, I've decided to wait until 12 weeks to weigh/measure again! sorry :) I know it's not as great as the last time. I know some of it is motivation, and poor water drinking. I will improve greatly over the next three weeks - I must! Any advice on water would be awesome...


  1. Girl, that is a ton of water. I wish I could help you with some advice, but the very idea of a gallon has me running for the loo. I guess just keep trying. Hang in there!

  2. For me, trying to do the water first thing in the morning is key. As soon as I get up I try to have it already filled, and just chug as much as possible straight off. And then I find excuses to be out in the sun or talking a lot, just so that I'm more thirsty!



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