July 2, 2013

Best of the Week!

Sometimes it's good just to sit down and appreciate how great life is. It's the little things that make life go round. The grandparents came to stay with the little guy this weekend. They had so much fun - if the pictures are any indication :)

They went to a carnival, the duck pond and the library. The small things that made him happy? Riding on a motorcycle, making a snake, throwing bread and getting a stamp on his hand! He had a blast - just look at that smile! There is nothing better in life than smiles from a 2 year old!

Of course, getting to hang out with the grandparents all weekend always makes him happy! Once we got back, he wanted to try on my new, cool headband. He's ready for the color run next time :) He's number one! (on 2?)

Sometimes it's hard to remember to slow down and appreciate the little things. The little guy appreciates  things every moment. I need to as well! Smiles make the world go round :) Happy Tuesday!


  1. Oh this was SO SWEET Meghan! Thank you for making my day - I had a "little guy" once upon a time - now he's almost a man - 2 months and 6 days away from 18 - he's not nearly as easily entertained! Be sure to IMMERSE yourself in these little moments they will come in handy when he hits adolescence! :-)

    1. Aw, thank you!! I am trying my hardest to immerse myself - it goes by so so fast!!!

  2. You are right, we tend to worry about superficial things and never embrace what really matters. Glad you pointed out what matters to you. Enjoyed this post.

  3. Absolutely adorable! The world through the eyes of a child can be an amazing thing.

    1. Thank you! It really can - it's hard to get that perspective, but it makes a difference if you can!

  4. You know what, its children who teach us how to get joys in life from little things. Very nice & happy pictures, just store them in your heart. The bad part about it is that time passes very fast, so just keep stacking the memories :)



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