June 4, 2013

The Good Life

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Allstate. All opinions are 100% mine.

When I started this blog, I was feeling a little adrift. I had moved across the country, my husband and I took new jobs and left all our friends behind. We bought a house in the far, far suburbs of Los Angeles and tried to make a new life. Suburban California is nothing like Old Town Alexandria! No public transportation, free museums, or walking to resturants on a whim!

I was nervous that I had made a poor choice. I feared that life would never be as good as it had been.  Almost four years later, I am happy to say that I am content. Life is not perfect (is it ever?), but it is good. 

I have an adorable two year old son, I've met amazing people - our neighbors, my co-workers, the wonderful woman that took care of A for his first two years. We have a beautiful home with a thriving garden (yum, blackberries!), we are less than an hour from the beach - whales, dolphins, waves and sandcastles. The climate is near perfect and we can spend every weekend (if we want to) in a National Recreation Area. There is hiking galore. If we were a little more adventurous, Hollywood and Los Angeles are not that far – though we rarely go!

One of the best parts? My family. My parents LOVE the little guy. How could they not? They love visiting, watching him, taking him to amusement parks, farms, pools, anywhere his little heart desires. My sister buys him the cutest hats and is a master of glowstick dance parties. I love how much they love him.
If we hadn’t taken the chance and moved across country, where would we be today? I can’t imagine my life any differently right now. I am happy. I am content. Are you happy? What makes your life good? Allstate Good Life wants to know :)

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  1. Sounds like you have quite a nice little life with those you love. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award :) You check check out my latest post for the details.

  2. I say go with what feels right, you did, its working and you're happy. Thats what counts :)) Museums are over rated haha!

  3. My husband and 6 week old son make my life good.

  4. I love the way you look at life today! Blackberries, whales and the beach? All in the same area as your family lives? Yes! My life is good too! I am blessed!

  5. Sounds like you have a great life! We want to move near the beach! I love the ocean! My life is pretty great too. I have a wonderful husband who works so hard to provide for us and two amazing sons who make me laugh daily!

  6. You have a wonderful life. Truly blessed to be so close to your family and enjoy them loving your little ones too!



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