June 5, 2013

Summer Smiles at National Parks!

This is a summer Wordless Wednesday link up all about celebrating fun, memories and Summer Smiles! Each Wednesday, join Sharon from Hobbies on a Budget and me as we share the pictures from the past week that show the experiences and memories that each of us is making with our families and friends!

This week we went to a National Park! What says Summer more than getting in the car and driving to a National Park? :) I'll share more details soon, but I wanted to show you some of my favorite pictures from this weekend! Hiking, Big Rocks, piggy back rides, snacks, hiking sticks, and lots of smiles! I'm so glad we took the time to explore!

Have you taken any pictures that show your love for Summer? Any suggestions for next weekend? 

Bloggers - Link up your pictures from your blog so we can all enjoy the Smiles of Your Summer! 

Not a blogger? - Just add your picture to your Pinterest boards and link up that way! 

We want to see what makes you smile this week!


  1. I love the pic of your sun with his backpack! What great memories!

  2. We love to go hiking in the summer at a park near us. What cute pics!

  3. Ooooh... love those photos. We had some amazing parks when I lived on the East Coast, but here in Texas everything is so dull...

  4. I love these photos! I'm not a huge outdoor person, but I can appreciate the beauty of nature!

  5. I so love going to National parks with my kids too. We may even go this weekend to get out and about. Thanks for sharing your pictures they are adorable.



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