June 5, 2013

Am I All Grown Up Yet?

Disclaimer: As a Member of From Left to Write, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.

I've yet to think of myself as an "all grown up." I know, I know, I'm 36, I'm married, I have a son, I own a home, I'm a manager at work, I am saving for retirement and making car payments. I know that I am an adult, but I don't feel all grown up. I feel like I still have so much of life ahead of me. Goals to reach, things to do, places to visit and so much to learn. But I think a part of it is that I am lucky to have healthy, active parents that don't need my assistance. My grandma is still learning new tricks - she's newly on facebook!

I know that I am lucky in this. That my sisters and I can still depend on my parents and not the other way around. That my aunts and uncles are around to watch out for my grandma, to make sure that she is ok and safe and getting visits from great-grandkids. I live in that perfect time, when I am an adult and have a healthy child and healthy parents and a wonderful grandma. I hope this time continues forever.

My wish for everyone is health and happiness and long lives where all your wishes come true.

I wish you friends, family and lots of love.

I hope you have someone to take care of you and be there when you need support.

I hope I never really have to grow up :)

This post was inspired by the novel Those We Love the Most by Lee Woodruff. Every family has its secrets and deceptions, but they come to surface a tragic accident changes the family dynamic forever.. Join From Left to Write as we discuss Those We Love the Most. You can also enter to win a live video chat with Lee Woodruff!


  1. You really are lucky and so smart to know it. I had to grow up too fast when my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer — he was 56, I was 29. It's a strange thing to see that role reversal. But it's also wonderful to see family set differences aside to love each other through the worst.

    May you — and your family — stay young forever and always!

  2. I feel the same way. I don't really feel like a grown up either.

  3. I was the same way not too many years ago, enjoy it while you can! Now my mom has had to move in with me and my dad is in a skilled nursing facility and both my grown adult children moved back in with me too!!! I'm enjoying spending time with them, but it does put a damper on my personal life.

  4. You're smart to recognize the blessing of such a beautiful time.

  5. What a sweet post! I don't know that I'll ever be completely grown up either. ;-)

  6. It's great that you're enjoying where you're at. At 21, I'm just barely getting onto my own two feet but my dad had me late in life (he was 47 when I was born) so I have worried off and on what might happen to him if he were to need to depend on someone prior to me being able to get really secure financially. Thankfully, he's still really active and seems to be healthy for his age. :)

  7. Such beautiful blessings you have in your life. I wish we had those luxuries. My grandparents died when I was a little kid. My parents are now in poor health. I'm a mom, with healthy kids, but I miss the older generation being able and active in our kid's lives.



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