June 21, 2013

Summer Library Reading Programs

I stumbled upon a reading program at the Thousand Oaks Library - Digging Into a Good Book.

Summer reading programs at the library used to be my all time favorite activities. I'm a little embarrassed to admit how much I loved turning in my lists of books at the library. Checking off titles, writing down how many hours and pages I'd logged.

 I would spend hours of very hot afternoons reading every book I could find. Summers of Sweet Valley High, Mercedes Lackey and Anne McCaffrey...

I am inordinately excited about passing on my love of summer reading programs to my little guy. We've already written down four titles - Including "Ook the Book" and we have 20 minutes of reading logged already!

He wouldn't let me take a picture of him reading - though he loves to read in the car!
Though I think he might love the shovel and bucket that he got free even more than the reading right now...I have time though! So definitely sign up for your local library program - the love of books lasts a lifetime. I am proof of that :)

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