June 20, 2013

Running My First 10k!

Guess what? I finished a 10k! Woohoo! I am very excited, can you tell?

I wasn't sure that I was ready, but I actually felt really good running it and mostly good afterwards. Sore the day of, but not too bad the next day :)

I met both my goals - I ran the whole way and did it in under an hour - 58:39 to be exact!

Encouraging the guy in front of me to finish strong! :)
I was sort of worried about coming in last, since there weren't that many people running. But I came in 36/55 overall! I have to admit that doing the Revolt program has definitely helped my endurance! This week (though I have hated them), we were doing Tabatas, which really increased cardiovascular endurance. I am certain that I it got me through the 10k! We'll see how I'm doing on the program - tomorrow is the week 8 check-in!

So I was very happy...and am excited to try another one! Though my next run is a Color Run 5k - excited for that!!

Disclaimer: I was chosen as a Revolt Fitness Program blogger and received free membership to try the fitness program. All opinions expressed are my own. 


  1. YAY Congratulations on your 10k - by the way you sound I see many more in your future!! Saw you on Running Bloggers and had to come and check out your fun blog:)

    1. Thanks! I hope that there are, I really had fun :) Will make sure to check out your blog too!

  2. Well done with your first 10k.

  3. You totally smashed it, well done. Congrats on completing your 1st 10km race, and doing it under an hour. You must be proud, and so you should be.
    I've never heard of Revolt... off to go look.
    I used insanity to train for my half marathon so yes I understand about interval training. It really helped me immensely.
    Enjoy the colour run too.

  4. Yay, congratulations!! That is so exciting!

  5. Congrats! That is a huge accomplishment. I am hoping to a 5K later this year so I love seeing others experiences.

  6. I remember my first 10K! I was super excited, but totally worn out after. Great job. It sounds like you were very ready!! Happy Friday

  7. Congrats! Looking forward to hearing about more in the future!

  8. Congrats, that is awesome!! I would love to do that one day, must feel amazing!!

  9. Wooohoo good for you! 10ks are my favorite! :)

  10. Good job on meeting both your goals in your very First 10k!! That's so exciting!!!

  11. Congratulations! It's great that you met both your goals! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks! I'm amazed that I did...but I guess you never know what you can do :)

  12. Great work :) I'm working on my 10km time too! Have me next race in July! Eeeeek!

  13. congrats on running and finishing your first 10k!

  14. Go you!!! That's amazing. I did a 2k in May and so want to do a 5 K next. Amazin' job girl!!

  15. Woohoo! Congratulations Meghan!

    1. Thanks! can't wait to hear about your 10k :)

  16. Congrats! It is such an amazing feeling! Looking forward to reading more about your accomplishments! Happy Running!

  17. CONGRATS!!!!! Isn't that the best feeling?! I love races and running new distances. Keep it up!

    1. It is the BEST feeling :) I didn't know I had it in me!

  18. Congratulations! I have a feeling we'll see more race reports on your blog :)

    Thanks for linking up for Fitness Friday at jillconyers.com!

    1. Will definitely be seeing more! I love your site btw...very inspiring and motivating :) Love the link-up!

  19. Way to go, Megan! Glad your were able to meet your goals on this run!



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