June 21, 2013

Blogathon Bash

I am very excited to have participated in my very first Biannual Blogathon Bash. The Blogathon Bash is a twice yearly event designed for bloggers to set aside a block of time and get some great stuff done on their blogs! Mark your calendars for the next one: January 24-27th.

Biannual Blogathon Bash

The event is took place this weekend - June 21st – 24th - and will run for 72 hours. It was awesome! I got in lots of great dedicated blogging time!

My plans for the blogathon weekend:
  • Make a “to do” list (I love lists) - and do as much as I can from the list (done!)
  • Be very productive during nap time (done!)
  • Get some posts written (5 of them!)
  • Block out some extra time to get my blog organized after the weekend (hmmm, wishful thinking?)
My To-Do List thus far?
  1. Up the SEO quality of posts. Ok, didn't actually do anything...but, I took a mini-challenge and won an e-book about SEO, so I figure new knowledge is half the battle!
  2. Re-size photos - organize blog photos on the computer (moved photos off computer to a cloud based service, thanks for the tip blogathon!)
  3. Check for broken links
  4. Lump Categories! Make sure all posts are categorized!
  5. Write a list of what I need to do each week for Social Media Done!
  6. Finish Newsletter template
  7. Outline e-book!
  8. Complete 10 “mini-challenges”  Done! Actually 12 of them~
  9. Visit the awesome Blogathon participants Done! (and awesome they are!)
  10. Content Calendar for July Done!
  11. Write posts for the next week Done!
Yes, yes, ambitious :) Especially with a two year old begging to "Watch Thomas" on the computer :) Update: He didn't get to watch Thomas, but we did watch some fish on YouTube...

The idea is to blog as much as you can in the the 72 hour event. There will be “Mini Challenges” (fun, easy projects that will better your blog), Twitter parties and some great prizes to be won (I won one! So So Excited - SEO for bloggers e-book!) If you want to learn more about the event or sign up, visit the Biannual Blogathon Bash.

Wrap-up: I am SO glad I participated. Though I did manage to have some fun this weekend too! I got tons done, met great bloggers and learned a lot. I will definitely be checking in next January!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your list I can not wait to see how much you get done. 10 mini challenges is a lot. I have a 5 year old and so I understand the 2 year old. Have a nice day and if there is time stop by and visit me and link up with us at http://mommiespov.com/join-biannual-blogathon/



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