June 25, 2013

Great (Free) Weekend Activity at Lowe's

Thanks to a tip from another mom, I recently discovered Lowe's Build and Grow Workshops! They are hands on activities for kids where they actually get to build things. Best part - totally free. You sign-up online,  show up at your local Lowe's and get a project to make. This week? A Monster's University toy chest. Disclaimer: the upside down M and U are mom error - A had nothing to do with it :)

He thought it was totally cool to hammer on a flat bed cart
At first, the little guy wasn't so into it. He hammered once or twice and then thought running around would be more fun. However, once he realized what we were making - he got really excited! He put the nails in all the holes, helped hammer them in and then got super excited by the stickers ;) 

Once it was done? I couldn't even get him to look up for the camera - he was that in love with his box. 

I can't wait to sign up for the next one! They were out of the cool work aprons this time, so we have to wait until the next one. We need somewhere to put his cool patch! He is going to be very excited that it is Toy Story related. Always looking for fun, free kid's activities. Especially ones on weekends - working mom's want to have some fun too :) Know of any more?


  1. Looks fun! It is so cute how interested he is in the toy chest--I love pictures like that; they tell a great story!

    1. Thanks~it was fun (though loud!) He was so enthralled!



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