May 30, 2013

Why I Love Exercising

Disclaimer: I was given free membership to Revolt Fitness in exchange for detailing my journey. All opinions are my own.

It's week five of my journey with Revolt Now Fitness - and I really love it! I feel good and am starting to really enjoy exercising. It is no longer a chore, or something I HAVE to do, but rather something to look forward to! I have even been exercising twice a day some crazy is that? 

I've been inspired to not only do my weekly workouts, plus start running again and even add in some kick-boxing or yoga! I am capable of doing 40 push-ups in a 20 minute work out - where did that come from? Still struggling with planks though...

I'm trying to work up to a 10k, and even though I haven't been running longer distances, I can feel the added capability when I run. The Revolt cardio is definitely helping my endurance! I ran 35 minutes without stopping this past weekend (a record for me!). So yeah, pretty much awesome ~ both me and the program ;P 

Did I mention that there are lots of strawberries in this week's meal plan? YUM! Fresh strawberries!

The next "uprising" starts the is Monday, June 3rd (though you can start anytime). If your curious, head on over and check out the plan. There is even a free kick start week on the site. Otherwise, it's only $10 a month! I feel like I have a personal trainer and meal planner ~ and lots of awesome online friends to share the journey with!


  1. I am addicted to strawberries! 10K is my favorite running distance at the moment--let me know what you think about it! :)

  2. Love Running!!! A 10k is the perfect distance!

  3. Hello Meghan! I'm stopping by from the "TGIF Blog Hop and Linky Party"! I am following you via GFC and Google+. Please follow me back. When you visit my blog please leave a comment if you enjoy my post. I appreciate the support.

    Thank you,


  4. Strawberries look awesome, but I have to say....if this is a picture of you I wonder why you are even doing an exercise program, my gosh you don't look like you need one! Stamina and endurance I get, but you should get two helping of strawberries w/ whipped CREAM!! :)

  5. I 100% need to make more time in my day for exercising!

  6. When the Hubs was deployed a few years ago, I learned to love exercising. Shortly after his homecoming though- I got pregnant again. Needless to say, I haven't jumped back on the wagon since. After this baby though- I'm all on board to get back in shape. I've let myself go for far too long now. TY for the inspiration!



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