May 29, 2013

Summer Smiles

This is a summer Wordless Wednesday link up all about celebrating fun, memories and Summer Smiles! Each Wednesday, join Sharon from Hobbies on a Budget and me as we share the pictures from the past week that show the experiences and memories that each of us is making with our families and friends!

This week my family went strawberry picking! I can't think of a better way to start the summer than eating fresh strawberries still warm from the sun and being able to run with true abandon in wide open spaces...

strawberry picking, underwood farmssummer smiles

underwood farms

Have you taken any pictures that show your love for Summer? 

Bloggers - Link up your pictures from your blog so we can all enjoy the Smiles of Your Summer! 

Not a blogger? - Just add your picture to your Pinterest boards and link up that way! 

We want to see what makes you smile this week!


  1. I haven't taken the kids strawberry picking this year and wonder if I still can. I'll have to check our local U-pick and see what they got. Thanks for the reminder. Cute pics. :)

    1. Thanks! I hadn't gone in years, it was lots of fun :)

  2. I don't think I've ever gone strawberry picking, but when I was a kid, it was normal to find a mulberry tree and eat so many purple berries your hands were stained for a week, lol.

  3. Just found your blog today and I LOVE reading it. I am now following you on GFC and G+.
    I hope you will stop by and say hello.

    Lydia @ Still On The Verge

  4. Mmmm....I have been wanting strawberries for days!

  5. How fun!!! We are already through our strawberry season -- but we got some great food out of it. Waffles, homemade strawberry ice cream and strawberry lemonade. YUM!!!

  6. Looks like he is having a great time. I need to take my son out to pick strawberries. We are waiting for his brother to finish school though so he can go.

  7. I can't believe summer is here! Yay! :)

  8. That looks like SO much fun. I'm going to have to see where the U-pick strawberry fields are near us!



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