May 31, 2013

News-O-Matic ~ New App for Kids

There are many horrible things that have been happening in the world lately. I often wonder how I am going to keep my child safe from harm. Then I realized that as he gets older not only will I have to keep him safe, but I will have to explain these horrible things and why they are happening. So not ready for that.I don't even listen to NPR when he's around right now!

So I was intrigued when News-O-Matic by Press4Kids was brought to my attention. News-O-Matic is an educational news app that covers breaking news, sports, science and more in an accessible and kid-friendly way. Targeted to kids ages 7-10it includes five daily news stories, detailed images, videos, illustrations, maps, timelines and games.

This app gives children the opportunity to explore the latest current events, while also giving them a voice to express their views. 

Children can interact with the Editor-in-Chief by rating stories, drawing pictures, asking questions or expressing opinions about current topics in the “News Room” section of the app. The goal is to inspire a generation of children to become habitual news readers and well-informed global citizens.

As parents, we know that children process these things differently. They may be asking difficult questions and parents may need suggestions to help discuss what happened and address their concerns. This app is but one tool to help digest difficult information - below are some tips from  Dr. Phyllis Ohr, Child Psychologist, on how parents can address news issues with children and what children can do to feel better:

1.      When the event does not personally affect the child, reassure them that everything is okay with the people they love and that nothing has changed for them.

2.     Be sure to stress to children that if they do have questions to ask parents, teachers as well as friends. Other children having the same feelings may be comforting.

3.    Begin by giving the child a brief synopsis of what happened by using age appropriate language. Ask if there is something they want to know more about or if they need something explained further. If so, stick to pointedly answering their question or clarifying. Do not add on or digress.

4.    Do not assume the news will make children feel a certain way. Ask if they know how they feel, but stress that kids feel all different ways when they hear important news and sometimes do not know how they feel or do not feel anything which is okay. However, if children are affected by it, it is their own feeling. Reassure children that no matter what they are feeling, their feelings are okay.

5.    If they are upset but don't want to talk, suggest a fun activity for distraction or help them use calming skills like playing, drawing a picture or writing a story. These activities help release any upset feelings and make children feel better.

Hope those tips help...and make sure to try out the app - I think it's a great way to introduce kids to news media. In addition, Press for Kids is giving one lucky reader a News-O-Matic goodie bag, featuring a  $10 iTunes gift card, backpack, hats, water bottles and an iPad screen cleaner.

      The giveaway will close on June 10, 2013. open to US residents. I will pick a winner on 
                               To gain entries to the giveaway, you can do one or all of these:
1. Leave a comment on this post telling me why you are interested in this app
2. Follow me on twitter
3. Follow me on bloglovin (or another reader)
4. Like Crazy Casa K on facebook
5. Like Press4Kids on facebook


  1. Following you from the TGIF Blog Hop! Nice to meet you! Please consider following me back if you like what you see :)

  2. i like it because it expressess news in a kid friendlier version.

  3. i follow on twitter @vivaciousgold

  4. i follow on bloglovin as livivua chandler

  5. i follow you on facebook- livivua chandler

  6. i press4kids on facebook- livivua chandler

  7. There was a news program like this we use to watch in school (a long time ago) that was focused just on the kids and it was awesome! I love that they are putting things out on their level.

  8. It's great to have a filtered news for kids! There's so many scary things in the world that it can only be helpful to be able have it explained in a way they can understand.

  9. I would love a safe (filtered) news source for children. Allows them to be involved in the world's news, but still not be exposed to some of the horrors of what happens.

  10. I am so interested in this! I have 7,9 and 13 year old that love the news- don't know why but they are fascinated by it :) They would really enjoy it!

  11. My 8 year old would like it and I like it because it's filtered for children

    kport207 at gmail dot oom

  12. follow you on twitter @JT2ofusanddeals

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  13. I love that it allows children to learn about new events

  14. I follow you via twitter - Imawinnertoday

  15. great to have a safe (filtered) news source for children - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  16. I like Crazy Casa K on facebook.

  17. This is great that it's filtered, kids don't need to see all the horrible things going on in the world today. Not all news is good news.

  18. I follow on bloglovin: Stephanie64030

  19. Crazy Casa K liked on facebook

  20. news in a kid friendlier version.

  21. I would love to win this as it is perfect for my son as it would help him keep up with the news and I love how he could voice his views.
    Laurie Emerson

  22. I follow you on twitter

  23. I follow you on Bloglovin
    Laura Emerson

  24. I like you on Facebook
    Laurie Emerson

  25. I like Press4Kids on Facebook
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  26. I would love for my kids to keep up with events but the regular news on tv is too harsh so this would be perfect.
    Brittney House

  27. Like Crazy Casa K on facebook (:

  28. I like that it's educational so I don't feel bad if they use it.

  29. i like this app because it's educational
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  30. I like it because it sounds like a great educational app.

  31. Thanks for the review! Find out more about News-O-Matic with our brand new video!

  32. News-O-Matic is a GREAT way to connect with your kids. I love using their FREE teacher's guide that's full of great questions and discussion topics to go over with my children. It's wonderful seeing them so interested in what's going on in their world!



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