May 2, 2013

Trying out the Revolt Fitness Program!

Revolt Fitness
I may have mentioned (a few times?) that I have trouble sticking to fitness programs. That I need some external motivating factor. I LOVE being fit, the fun of exercising, eating healthy food, running with my family...but just can't stick with it.

So I recently decided to do something about that...I joined a fitness program called Revolt Now Fitness! It's more than just an exercise program - it's a diet, exercise and support program. I'm only on day 3, but so far I am totally committed :)

I have to admit I was a little intimidated at first. There is a diet plan for each week - and you prepare it all on Sunday! But it wasn't too hard to prepare and it's actually really nice to have everything all set for the week. The diet is full of fresh veggies - yum! I did have to use every tupperware container in the house though :) My son gets a kick out of me using his lunch containers for "mama's food." He is also loving drinking the juice from my morning grapefruits. It's been quite the bonding experience!

There are also intense workouts 5 times a week. Nichole posts the videos on the site and they are super easy to follow! She makes a pretty grueling workout actually seem like fun. I am not quite ready to show pics of me working out though :)

The best part for me is the facebook community. There are 6-week "uprisings" - where everyone is doing the same diet/workouts at the same time. Even though I'm doing it at home there is a huge support network out there - which is exactly what I need to succeed. I have high hopes for the program.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Disclaimer: As a Revolt Fitness Blogger I received access to the program for free, all opinions are my own.


  1. Sometimes it's nice to have everything all planned out ahead of time. It limits excuses and the ability to talk yourself into ordering take out & not exercising!

    Good luck on your journey!

  2. I love that you plan out everything!!! Good luck! This seems totally awesome!

    1. It's definitely hard to plan things out - but less work on busy mornings!

  3. I love planning everything out. I sometimes do once a month cooking and it keeps me on track. Good luck and don't give up!

  4. This sounds like a real motivator because it has TONS of support! I love that you can have the Uprisings! I hope you meet your goals :)

  5. I look forward to hearing more about your journey :) TY for sharing! Maybe this will motivate me to get my butt to work once I've had baby & healed :)

    1. Working out with my little guy was pretty motivating! good luck :)

  6. Love learning about your journey, thanks for sharing. I love the idea of prepping ahead I wish I would do that, it would save time on whats for supper!

  7. Is there a cost to this program? Or is it just one of those things that everyone seems to be doing? This seems like something that might work for me, although I think I'd be a little worried about eating food on Friday that I made on Sunday... Plus we would have no fridge space left!

    1. I froze a lot of the food and thawed it mid-week! It's actually really cheap. It's $9.99 a month!

  8. Good luck on the program! I've tried some of her workouts and they are good :)

  9. I can't wait for your updates.
    I am doing a 15 day Candida cleanse right now and I have been posting what I eat everyday on Facebook to help keep me accountable.

    1. I have so much trouble keeping myself accountable :)

  10. I've been working hard since January about getting healthier, but this Revolt looks a bit intimidating lol So glad to see so many bloggers being motivated together!

    1. I thought it was intimidating - but it's been really motivating. My husband is exercising with me too!

  11. Being a fellow Revolt person, I am so glad you are in this with me! You are off to a good start. We can help keep each other going. You are off to a good start, only 11 weeks to go (though it is a lifestyle change for me that will stay)

  12. Good luck and I look forward to hearing about your progress and more about this program.

  13. Good for you. me too i am not consistent with my workout and i don't observed proper diet. Having a support system makes you do your share and see the result. Good luck and look forward to see progress on your fitness and revolt program.

  14. Always good to plan everything out! I need to get back to exercising!

  15. When I heard about Revolt, I had JUST finished losing all the weight I needed to lose so I didn't start it, but it's clearly as great as I thought it would be.

  16. I still haven't tackled the prepping on Sunday. Our kitchen is so stinking small at the new place I hate being in it.

  17. I am enjoying the community, too. The prep day is a new thing for me and I have to admit it did help with getting things together to take to work. Best of luck on the program.



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