May 5, 2013

Help me Pick my Minted Business Cards

Disclaimer: I will receive a sample in exchange for this post, all opinions are my own.

I was lucky enough to go to a mini-blog conference a couple of weeks ago. It was amazing - I learned tons, met amazing bloggers and made great connections. I realized however, that I failed in one big way. I did not have any business cards. Here I was, meeting amazing southern California bloggers and had no way to share my information!

So I am here to remedy that! 

I want to let you know about some creative, indie-designed business cards at Minted. I've pulled a few of my favorite designs...but I need some help! I am not the most creative designer, so I need your advice...which one should I choose? 

Not a fan of any of the ones I like? Head over to Minted and give me some advice :) I'd greatly appreciate it. I wanted to look professional and prepared next time I have the chance to meet some amazing bloggers...

Thank you!


  1. I like the fireflies in a jar one =) super cute.

  2. Top left or fireflies - both are winners!

  3. I like the top left the best. I've found it's best to minimize and those cards are perfect. Just my two cents! Good luck! :)

  4. I like the Call Me ones from the site.

  5. I like the simple grey and yellow design, since yellow is my favorite color.

  6. Wow they have a big selection! I like 'Color Splash Business Cards'.

  7. I like the one in the upper right!!! It stands out the most for me.

  8. The top right looks professional and stands out well... the Fireflies look really cute!
    I'd say, it depends on how you want that 1st impression to be!! Either would be great!

  9. I like the colors and simple design of the top left one!

  10. Top upper right is my favorite. It's easy to read from a distance.

  11. I like either the first one or the fireflies one. It's always so hard to choose when you have so many awesome ideas.

  12. I like the top left one. The yellowy-lime color and grey are very sophisticated without being elitist-obnoxious!

    Loved meeting you at the mini BBC-LA!



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