April 30, 2013

Zoo Trips - America's Teaching Zoo

One of the things I've really been trying to do recently - is enjoy time with my family. Life is short, and time is precious. Seeing the joy on discovery through a two year old's eyes is pretty amazing.

Close to our home is this little zoo called "America's Teaching Zoo" - it's part of Moorpark College and it's a great spot for little kids. It's only open weekends from 11-5, so it's not always easy to fit in a visit with naps :). However, it's pretty small, so you really don't need more than an hour and a half.

 One of the great things about it is that it really is a teaching zoo! So all the shows are by students and there are always folks out practicing their training techniques with the animals. By far the best part is the "monkey" section in the back. All A can talk about is going to see the monkeys!

He also loves the reptile house and the "Did you know board!" Who new opening little doors could be so exciting?

Of course the show is great - though it's at noon - so having it right at lunchtime can mean a cranky kid if you don't prepare (I did not bring enough snacks last time - learned my lesson!). The beaver swimming in the pond was pretty awesome!

Definitely worth buying a family pass if you live nearby. Right now there is a great deal on groupon for half off admission! A perfect quick trip for a Sunday afternoon. I noticed last time that there was a birthday party going on - the kids seemed to be having a great time. One woman kept telling me the party food was ready - I almost took her up on that, even though I wasn't a guest :)

There is also a great book about the students at the zoo if you want to know more!


  1. That looks like a really cool little zoo. I have always loved taking my kids to the zoo too. It's a good time.
    Shawn at Laughing at Life 2 & Reading Practice

  2. That looks like a lot of fun! I love visiting the zoo, it would be cool if ours had a teaching program!

  3. Good for you!!! Time does pass quickly! I love seeing other people enjoying every moment! Zoos like this are great for fun, memories and learning too!

  4. I love visiting zoos!! I used to work at one when I was a teen. Some of the best times ever!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

  5. Looks like aan awesome place and like everyone had a great time, especially the little guy! Love it!



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