May 6, 2013

The New Way to Straighten Teeth

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

My little guy is two (how is that even possible???). Two years has gone by in the blink of an eye - and other, more experienced parents, tell me time will only go faster. Before I know it, he will be a teenager, with all the fun that entails!
Invisalign teen - crazycasak.comI recently had a chance to hear some teenagers talk about a program called Invisalign Teen - and I must admit, going in, I didn't think the topic would be that cool. But I was so wrong. I know this sounds a little geeky, but I was totally amazed at the amazing things that Invisalign can do to straighten your teeth! 

It's this little clear aligner that you put over your teeth, incredibly light and hardly noticeable. A far cry from the braces that kids wore in my day! While I was fortunate enough not to have to wear braces, my sister did and I know she was not thrilled. Though I didn't need braces, I was not in love with my smile when I was a pre-teen (huge gap) - so I totally understand the embarrassment factor! I like my smile now though :)

Invisalign was first introduced for adults nearly 15 years ago, and in 2009, the line for teens was introduced. It uses the same basic conc
ept as Invisalign - clear plastic aligners that are created with a 3D computer imaging technology based on impressions of your teeth (done with digital scanners!). Apparently, this is quite a hit with the teens - I'd be excited to see a 3-D image of my mouth too. Each set of aligners is worn for 2 weeks - you generally get enough for 6 weeks, then you go back to the orthodontist for a check-up. 
They gave us a sample of the aligners - they were so light!

Invisalign Teen costs around the same as traditional braces and are also covered by most insurances - payment options also available.  Not every teen would benefit from Invisalign – but their Orthodontist can help with that assessment.  And if you want to learn more about how Invisalign Teen works, check out their website! Start by taking the Invisalign Smile Assessment.

invisalign teen - crazycasak.comThe part that was really interesting, was how excited these teens were to talk about their experience. They loved that you could take them out to eat, brush and floss! They are easier to lose, but the teens said it was pretty easy to get into a habit of putting them in a specific place and not really worrying about losing them. Though you should consider if your child is ready for the responsibility! Lastly, there is a far smaller potential for sports injuries - no metal in your mouth (need I say more?).

Not sure yet if A is going to need orthodontia - but I also learned that you should be proactive and take them in early! If he does need teeth straightening I will definitely be looking into Invisalign! Anyone out there used it? You can also check out Invisalign on Twitter & Facebook.

This is a sponsored post offered through Invisalign and SITS girls. Information provided by Invisalign, but all opinions are mine and not influenced by either company.


  1. Do they have any that glow in the dark?

  2. Great post! Save a ton of money for parents!

  3. My kids are getting close to the age of braces - going to have to check this out!

  4. I truly need to thank the creator for a particularly decent blog that assisted me with understanding why it is significant. Teeth Straightening From Home

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