May 7, 2013

Del Taco's Buck & Under and New Taste Menus!

Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post, all opinions are mine.

OK, I may be obsessing a bit about food this week. I'm on a sugar detox right - which is surprisingly tasty, but still, makes me think about all the other things I could be eating!

One day a week, I get a "cheat" day. This week I'm *dreaming* about eating Del Taco on my cheat day :) I love Del Taco. When I lived on the East coast, I frequently lamented the lack of Del Taco. Now that I am back in California, I am happy to be able to eat it again (though I did find out that Del Taco has more than 550 restaurants in 18 states)!

So I was excited to see that they are announcing a Buck & Under and New Tastes Menu. Starting this Wednesday, they will be offering Free Food Wednesdays from 3-9 pm. See below for details!

“Our new menu has given our current fans a new reason to believe in all that we have to offer at Del Taco,” said John Cappasola, Chief Brand Officer at Del Taco. “And, we’re seeing new customers giving us a try and finding out how positively different Del Taco is from everything else that is out there.”

To win a $10 gift card for Del Taco, leave a comment telling me your favorite menu item! I'll pick a winner at random on May 13th - just in time for you to enjoy the New Tastes Free Food Wednesdays.

RULES: A winner will be selected randomly using, please make sure you leave a valid email address.  Giveaway ends midnight May 13, 2013.  US residents only. Good Luck!


  1. Meg, I used to always get plain bean and cheese burritos, but now! I've branched out. The chipotle chicken soft taco is delicious, and my new favorite.

  2. I wish we had a Del Taco around here, looks delish!

  3. I've never heard of Del Taco but now I'm wishing that we had one close by. TY for sharing :D

  4. I see that there is a bacon quesadilla. I have to try that! Otherwise I generally go for a chicken soft taco or a regular beef crunchy taco. I'm a cheap date. :)

  5. We don't have a Del Taco near us but I love tacos and fajitas! I think we'll have that for supper! Great suggestion!

  6. never been to one but chili cheese fry burrito.

  7. I've never been there before, but the regular taco looks awesome!

  8. My favorite Del Taco menu item is the 8 Layer Veggie Burrito. It is so good!!
    s2inamug at aim dot com

  9. I love the chicken soft tacos!

    sweepymummy at yahoo dot com

  10. I'm a chicken soft taco fan as well - cheap and tasty. I do wish they'd do a steak soft taco as well though!!!

    cheekypuppy [at] hotmail [dot] com

  11. 8 Layer Veggie Burrito! schwartz dot lori at gmail dot com

  12. I have never been, my husband travels for work and has been raving about it.

  13. my favorite item is the 8 Layer Veggie Burrito

    susansmoaks at gmail dot com



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