May 10, 2013

Success at Fitness Goals!

I consider this week a great success at meeting my fitness goals ~ I ran a 5k and had a mostly great week for my second week of Revolt!

This past weekend, the whole family ran a 5k - Miles for Melanoma - at Universal Studios. Out team raised $320 and we all finished in 43 minutes. That even included A running for about a mile. No, really! He was quite a hit on the course :)

Not only did the little guy love running, but he had fun at the "after party!" I love that the whole family is getting fit just makes me so happy. He's also been doing the workouts with me at home. He is quite cute when he tries to life weights with me - and makes my exercises all the more difficult when he crawls underneath me while I am trying to do a plank!

This was also the second week of the Revolt Fitness plan. I am doing great at the workouts - they are awesome. Quick, tough and fun. I can do them at my lunch break or when I get home from work.

The diet - hmmm, having a harder time with. This week was sugar detox week. I made it two days without cheating - eggs, eggs, eggs, bananas, spinach, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes....then on day three I ate french fries. They were so good. I am having a hard time with the monotony of the diet, but the results are awesome! I have so much energy, I feel stronger. I love the feeling! If only I can get through the rest of week two :) Wish me luck!


  1. Awesome job on the 5k! I need to just buckle down and pick a run and just do it.

    Chelle @ Oh, just stop already

  2. Awesome! I find the eating the hardest part too. Why does it all have to taste so good?

  3. I can't imagine running a 5k yet - but I'm up to 5 minutes. That's huge for me! So maybe, just maybe - I'll register for a 5k next year! Great job on the whole family running together!

  4. Detox week was rough for me too, but so worth it. I felt great after. And I appreciate the other meals so much more now :) I'm starting to train for a 10k in August, but I'm not much of a runner so we'll see how it goes!

    xx Emorie @ohwhimsicalme



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