April 29, 2013

You Know You're Lucky...

...when on a Friday morning, you can decide on the spur of the moment to go with your family to go whale watching in a beautiful location!

Last Friday we got in the car and went to Point Dume Nature Preserve in Malibu. It's a breathtaking little state park right on the Pacific Ocean. We were lucky enough to get one of the 8 free parking spots and be able to enjoy two hours of amazing views.

malibu whale watching
We saw five whales! In addition, we saw sea lions, dolphins, and amazing sea birds. We had a good half hour of an entire beach to ourselves - where A had fits of giggles as he jumped and ran in the waves.

We saw the Biggest Losers, and A enjoyed four helicopters flying pretty low overhead! Everyone we ran in to was so happy to be seeing whales, people were spontaneously applauding for them and clapping when they breached. It was an amazing scene. Of course, being Southern CA, the weather was perfect as well.

I can't remember when I've had a more enjoyable morning!


  1. what an amazing day and memory! so jealous of that beautiful scenery!

  2. Beautiful photos! I wish I lived within driving distance of that. The closest I have is Lake Michigan, but the water is much deeper blue, almost navy blue.

    Stopping by for the A to Z challenge!



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