April 21, 2013

Real Life

Sometimes real life catches up to you...and makes it hard to blog. It's been one of those weeks. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll take a deep breath and try to refocus. So today I will catch up with my alphabet challenge (M, N, O, P, Q) and move on! Life happens...which is a good thing!

Monday. Monday is normally the day that I celebrate a new start to the week with my Happy Monday link-up. I get to read amazing happy posts from around the blogosphere. This past week Monday was anything but happy. I was affected more by this tragedy that I can even explain. It's been a painful week mentally.

Our little guy got sick. A sick toddler is a pitiful being. Fever, Cold, Throwing up. Poor little guy, Not much else happens in the world when kids are sick. He seems to be much better today...we even got to see Thomas! He was very, very happy....after a week of sick, he deserved it!

Quality Programming! My "real life" job has been busy - this week is Jr. Ranger week, our annual Science Festival is next weekend! I also had the chance to go to a "mini bloggy bootcamp." It was amazing to meet bloggers in real life. There are so many creative, amazing bloggers in Southern California!

I hope the next week is better for everyone!

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