April 23, 2013

7 Ways to Meet Fitness Goals for Busy Moms

Keeping to a training program - not my strong point...But I do have a few tips. As a mom of a toddler, free time (alone time!) is precious. Exercise time is precious! So how do you make it happen?

1. Pay or raise money to enter a race. I usually feel guilty enough about missing them that I go (usually...). Put your money where your "feet" are. If you look at fitness as a long term health investment, be willing to enter that race, triathlon, hike-a-thon - whatever it takes! Often times your money is going to a good cause on top of that!

American Cancer Society's Relay for Life
2. Exercise at lunch time. I feel so much more energized in the afternoon if I exercise at lunch. I get a break anyway, why not spend some time exercising? I do live in Southern California, so the weather is mostly perfect. Even if you don't, you can find exercise routines that can be done in your office!

3. Find an exercise buddy. One of my co-workers keeps me honest. She stops by daily to make sure I"m going to exercise that day and most days we run or walk together. My exercise time flies by with good conversations (and guilt if I don't go!).

My first running buddy :)

4. Train with your spouse/partner! This has been the best addition to my routine this year. I love exercising with my husband. It adds a bit of friendly competition, someone to help push the jogging stroller and the whole family is getting healthier.

5. Family Friendly Cross Training. For me, my primary exercise is running. On days when I am not running, I try and find a cross training exercise that the whole family can participate in. That way the kids can enjoy some outdoor or exercise time as well. We love hiking here - other ideas include biking, swimming, yoga...endless possibilities!

Who wouldn't love hiking with this face?

6. Wake-up early - so this is NOT my tip. I sleep until the last possible second. But a lot of other mother runners I know are able to do this! I joined a boot-camp a few years ago and I literally had to sleep in my exercise clothes and have everything absolutely ready to go or I would not get up. Just can't do it...(any tips on how to get out of bed when you don't want to? other than for a screaming child???)

7. Motivating Music. Music that makes you smile is really just imperative! Who can't help but feel motivated by 80's music (hmmm, dating myself here...)

Two weeks to go until my Miles for Melanoma 5k. Then I will decide if I can muster the energy to train for a 10k...here's to being ambitious! Anyone else contemplating training for a 10k? Need an blogging-runner buddy :)


  1. These are some great tips! My husband and I are working together to get healthy this year and it really makes a difference.

  2. Great ideas! I have never thought about exercising at lunch. Think I will try that tomorrow!

  3. Thank you for the great tips. I know as our family has continued to grow over the years it has definitely been harder to get out there and meet my goals.

  4. Great tips! I really need to make fitness a priority!

  5. Great tips. A friend and I walked tonight for the first time in months. We intend to keep it up.

  6. Those are awesome tips. I should enter a run. Paying money would definitely get me to do it.



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