April 5, 2013


I'm training for the Miles for Melanoma 5k coming up in one month ~  my husband and son are running too - well, sort of, we'll be pushing the little guy in a stroller!

Today I actually got out of the office for lunch and ran! There are some benefits to working in a National Park :) Beautiful scenery and running trails!

Supporting research for Melanoma is incredibly important for our family. Someone we love very, very much has been hit hard by this disease so this is just a small way I feel like I can maybe do something.

If you are interesting in donating to support us in our run for this cause - Donate here!

Brought to you by the letter "E"
part of the A-Z blog challenge
p.s. love you E!


  1. Awesome, sharing your voice in such a way! Those running trails look so inviting.
    visiting from blog hop.
    Living F.A.B.ulously on Purpose

  2. That is awesome! Beautiful scenery and exercise. What a great combination.

  3. what a beautiful scenery i would love running around that area

  4. oh wow, what a beautiful place to run! good luck on the run!

  5. Good luck with your run and pushing your little one!!!

  6. Wow, that is such a beautiful view an yes that's a great work perk. Stopping by from UBP13.

  7. Oh. . . the "E" word. Something I need to get familiar with!

  8. Good for you!

    Nice to 'meet' you from the Ultimate Blog Party!



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