April 8, 2013

Good Dog ~ Happy Monday!

I spend a lot of this blog talking about how awesome my son is - I have to remember sometimes to give credit to my first "baby" - Mr. Moose. He is probably a bit neglected these days, but not any less loved.

Moose has been with me since graduate school, almost a decade ago! Our best guess is that he is about 10 years old. Which means he's getting up there in years. He still seems like a puppy most of the time though. He really is the sweetest dog, though I think he believes that he's a person. He's not so interested in other dogs :)

I am so lucky to have Moose in my life. He's been with me longer than either my son or my husband! I'm pretty sure that having a pet makes you happier and helps you live longer...

Hope you have an awesome Monday - Share your own happy pet stories! Link up any post that makes you happy - the sky's the limit (or just comment if you don't blog)! Grab the button, link up and check out the other posts. If you like some blogs, please take the time to follow them. 

Thanks for stopping by Happy Monday!

Crazy Casa K, Happy Blog
Brought to you by the letter "G"
part of the A-Z blog challenge.


  1. Awww love the antlers!!!! My doggy makes me happy too!

  2. Having pets most definitely makes people happier! Dogs are truly great companions, I've had many in my life and each one had their own unique personalities.

  3. Aww how cute! your dog is adorable

  4. coming over from UBP! i love your blog! our dogs play a huge part in our family as well, and were pregnant with our 1st - a boy! and your son is ADORABLE. my goodness!

  5. LOVE your dog!! Mine is getting old, but I am enjoying the time we have now.

  6. Love him! Dogs are the best! I had a great Monday, found out I will be getting a puppy! Happy Dance, we have been looking for a second since putting down our 15 yr. old yorkie last yr., so It's time and I am so excited! Happy Monday :)

  7. Growing up we had such great dogs as pets. I can't wait to find a new home w/room to invest in a pet again. :-D

  8. If only our pets lived as long we do. This post has me thinking of our beloved dog that passed on last December at the age of 16. Love hurts!

  9. Always a pleasure to link up!

    Be sure to visit Thursday for our Bloglovin Blog Hop!

    Happy Kids, Inc

  10. Agree! Canines are the best! Love Moose's eyes :)

  11. We have a 6 pound yorkie that has def become part of the family!

  12. Our Shitsu, Gizmo, just had a long overdue haircut with a new groomer (after he fell out with his previous hairdresser) and now he thinks he can sleep anywhere he likes ie on the lounge where he doesn't sleep or even sit because he isn't allowed on the furniture...and he knows that. But now with a new hairdo, he apparently thinks he's all that. Funny little beast!

  13. This post made me happy! It's amazing how much joy pets can bring to our lives.

  14. Awww, I love my pups too although they don't get to enjoy being dressed up and tormented quite as often since I've had a child!

  15. He's so pretty! My happy pet story...we just got a dog!! Just last week! And here is the irony part of it. I have NEVER been a dog person. Never liked them. Our friend brought our Odin over for a visit, and I instantly fell in love with him. And our friend was looking for someone to adopt Odin; so we fit the bill. We now have a dog. and I'm in love with him!

  16. Aw! This is so super sweet! I have lost all the pets I had and have kinda shut my heart to new pets in fear of losing them :(

  17. My wife and I got our first dog Lucy before our children were born and she was our baby for so long. Now she's older and acts like the boss of the house. She loves the kids and allows them to love her back, even when they're a little rough!



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