April 3, 2013

Can I Get Some Meal Planning Help?

A has been going to half-day pre-school for two weeks now! The hardest part, so far, has been packing creative, healthy, yummy lunches! This has sent me into a bit of a food planning fit. In combination, we re-joined the local CSA and so I have vegetable in (over) abundance each week!

I have to find meals that are balanced, don't require heating up and that a toddler will eat. One of my prettier creations:

I found a couple of great books on lunches and I have also been looking into meal planning sites like e-meals. I'd love some great resources, recipes, suggestions...no Peanut Butter allowed :) I'd particularly love some veggie advice!

* If you are interested in trying out eMeals - click the link to Save 10% on all eMeals plans with code "easter" on eMeals!

Brought to you by the letter "C" 
and the A-Z Blog Challenge!


  1. Sorry that I won't be much help with the lunch suggestions. Around here our lunches are pretty much PB&J or cheese sandwiches with fruit and juice and sometimes carrots or cookies or yogurt. Your lunch does look yummy and gorgeous though.

  2. For our preschool parents just take turns providing snacks. I generally send cheese, crackers, and apple slices. Sometimes I'll send yogurt. Sometimes I'll send pasta and sauce.

  3. 100daysofrealfood is EXCELLENT for ideas on great school lunches

  4. 100daysofrealfood is EXCELLENT for ideas on great school lunches

  5. That is a pretty little lunch tray. I like adding carrot sticks and cutting the sandwiches into little fun shapes (triangles and trapazoids). I also have a smiley face thingy that makes a shape on bologna or bread.

  6. Love our local organic CSA. Ours doesn't start deliveries until June though...you must live in a warmer climate, lol.

  7. That lunch is pretty, you are right! I am loving the fruit and the hard boiled eggs. :)

  8. You're right, this meal looks great! :)

  9. eMealz is great! My wife uses it and loves it, you should definitely check it out! Great posts! Good luck this month!

  10. hello! I'm popping in from the a-z and have a post you might find helpful for lunch ideas. I pack meals for my husband, but was running out of ideas. I spent 30 days creating different things and combined them here:
    I like your blog...your sweet boy is adorable! Nice to meet you...I'm a new follower. :-)
    from The Dugout

  11. I really like your lunch box. . . reminds me of a "Bento".



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