April 2, 2013

Best Tradition Ever!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! We have a great Easter tradition - now three years running. Poutine! A is clearly a big fan. We go to a little French Canadian Bistro named Soleil in Westwood. Though they made it a bit more difficult this year, it was still tons of fun! The grandparents made it this year too :)

I can't believe how much A has grown - and yet looks just the same!

Other traditions...wearing adorable hats and overalls? and just being very cute...

Any great traditions to share? p.s. how many years can I make him wear overalls?

Brought to you by the letter B :) 
Part of the A-Z blogging challenge!


  1. That sounds like a yummy tradition!

  2. Very Cute with the overalls! I'm sure you can get him to wear them for a few years yet :) Happy WW :)

    ~ Jill


  3. I agree that the overalls are a very cute tradition. My kids loved them for quite a long time!

  4. What a cutie! I love my little one in overalls (he is 8 months) but he just takes the hats off! Good luck with the a to z challenge!

  5. Finally linking up with all of my Wordless Wednesday Bloggers. Thanks for linking up! Can’t see what you post this Wednesday.




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