March 31, 2013

(A) Bit of Fun - Happy Monday!

This Happy Monday falls on April Fool's Day! I hate surprises - so generally I really, really dislike April Fool's day :) So I've decided to try and celebrate humor instead of dreading it this year!

I'm also posting this a day early in order to say - woohoo, Go Duke! So, in honor of the Duke-Louisville game today...(Yes, I am a Duke Fan. Yes, I went to Duke for Grad school. Yes, I love Duke Basketball - don't hate me!) little Duke fan having some Cardinal for dinner :P

My husband is much funnier than I am - so the credit for this bit of humor goes all to him! 

Now it wasn't easy shooting the masterpiece - and A wasn't necessarily "happy" being the star of the photo shoot! Some of the most humorous photos were the out-takes :) Definitely not being nice to the poor cardinal....

Share something funny this week! Link up any post that makes you happy - the sky's the limit (or just comment if you don't blog)! Grab the button, link up and check out the other posts. If you like some blogs, please take the time to follow them. Thanks for stopping by Happy Monday!

Crazy Casa K, Happy Blog


  1. Your little Duke fan is just too cute!!

  2. Awww...his face is priceless. :) Too cute. :)

  3. Cute but I live in St. Louis and I think they can lock you up for eating Cardinal around here lol

  4. Too cute!!! My 11 year old declared that he's going to Duke so I need to start prepping myself now, I guess!
    Have a fantastic week!

  5. I love the look on his face! Priceless!

    Julia @ Mom on the Run x2

  6. LOL - those are great pictures. Ha ha! Too funny!

  7. That is so funny and cute! The expression on his face says it all, so funny!

  8. Funny! cute

  9. Love his expressions! He's just so cute!

    -Cristyl @

  10. Aw, he is adorable. :) I don't tend to really "like" April Fool's Day, either, but it can be fun once and a while.

    Stopping by as a helper for the A to Z Challenge!

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

  11. OH my, that is so adorable, his face! Happy April Fools day!

  12. Very cute! Thanks for the laugh! :)

  13. I love his facial expressions!! Too cute!

  14. I don't really like surprises either lol . This is so much fun!



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