March 22, 2013

It's World Water Day

Today is World Water Day. 

Today is a day to think about that fact that 783 million people, or 11% of the world’s population, do not have safe water to drink. 

Today is a day to think about what water means to you, your family, your life. It is a day to do something for those that need clean water to be able to live.

The United Nations established March 22nd as World Water Day to bring attention to water issues around the world - but water is just the beginning.

The lack of water coupled with poor sanitation, results in 2,000 children dying every day

International non-profit organization WaterAid helps the world’s poorest people to plan, build and manage their own safe water supplies and to improve their sanitation and hygiene. These basic services transform lives.

Water is just the beginning of the road out of poverty.  Hours spent carrying water can instead be spent with family, tending crops, raising livestock or starting a business.  Simple changes to sanitation and hygiene practices save thousands of babies’ lives and keep children in school. WaterAid’s new short video, Water is just the Beginning,  explores the ways safe water changes lives.

There are many things you can do to help. 
  • Join the World Water Day Google+ Hangout at 1.30 pm EST TODAY (March 22) – WaterAid and other water organizations will be discussing the world water crisis and solutions in a celebration moderated by YouTube star Justine Ezarik.
  • Make a donation: WaterAid has brought clean water to 17.5 million people- but they need your help to achieve their aim of helping 1.4 million more people this year.
  • Follow WaterAid America on Twitter and Facebook and share their posts on the #20ways that water is just the beginning of the road out of poverty.

I want to live in a world where everyone has access to clean water, don't you?

I wrote this post as part of The Global Team of 200, a highly specialized group of members of Mom Bloggers for Social Good that concentrates on issues involving women and girls, children, world hunger and maternal health.


  1. Thanks for the insight... It's good to have a reminder for what we take for granted.

  2. I had no idea that such a large portion of the world does not have safe drinking water. Thanks for sharing with people what they can do to help.

  3. It's sad to think that so many places in the world don't have clean water.

  4. We definitely take our clean water for granted! Wow! What an eye opener!

  5. It is amazing the things we have that are taken for granted, clean water should not be a luxury item for anyone.

  6. Water is a commodity we take for granted every day. This is a great cause to keep us all aware. Thanks for sharing.

  7. What a great cause!!! We definitely take it for granted. Nice to remember those in need.

  8. Thank you for sharing this! I think it is so easy to remember how blessed we are to have something as simple as clean water to drink, when there are kids in other parts of the world who do not have all that we do.



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