March 21, 2013

It's Spring!

I've set some lofty goals this year. Looking back, I'm not sure what came over me :) But, today is the first day of Spring - so a time for renewal, happiness, warmer weather, more sunlight...good things!

1) Couch to 5k - My husband and I decided to get ready for a 5k. This weekend was supposed to be that 5k...well, not gonna happen. I have to give kudos to my husband however, he did do a 20+ mile trek, so I consider him to be successful! A three week illness derailed me. But I'm getting back into training as of this week and re-scheduling the race for late April. Minor set-back here!

2) 40 bags 40 days - What is the definition of a bag exactly? :) No, but really, I feel like I've done a pretty good job of organizing the garage, the closets, the bathrooms and making a sizeable donation to Goodwill! I'm not doing a great job of quatinfying my 40 bags, but I've made great progress organizing my life and getting "stuff" out of the house, so I am considering this a success!

3) Donate 52 hours - haven't actually volunteered yet, but I've done quite a bit of research and have some great ideas!

4) 21 day Meditation Challenge - As part of the Inspiring Moms Network, I took on a meditation challenge. Though it has put me to sleep a few nights, it has also been relaxing. I have not been able to do it every day...but it has been very inspiring when I have managed to do it :)

Wish me luck to keep up for the rest of the year! :)


  1. Way to go with the c25k! I gave up after 4 weeks but I am vowing to get back into the swing of things next week! Great job!

  2. It sounds like great progress to me!! Our first day of spring was 25 degrees here is Chicago but honestly the sun felt great through the windows. And the birds are chirping in the mornings now despite the snowfall so I know that gorgeous weather is coming soon!

  3. I like the 52 hours idea - such a great concept!

  4. Sounds like you are on track still! Life does totally get in the way of our best laid plans and goals! I'm on a cleaning house mission as we get ready to move. Wow! Never realized we had accumulated so much stuff.

  5. Still winter here! It snowed today!!! LOL!! I need to do Spring Cleaning though!

  6. Man! Now those are some lofty goals! I'm actually planning to do the Couch 2 5k this year too. My goal was to get healthier, which, is on track but getting on the treadmill will help kick things into motion faster. :-D

  7. reminded me about that 40 bag thing again. I still need to do that!
    Tell your husband good job on the 20 mile trek! That is amazing!



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