March 19, 2013

He's growing up too quickly!!

We removed the side of his crib this weekend. He is now sleeping in his "big boy" bed. How did he get so big?? Cue the tears...

This week is also his first week at pre-school. I'm having a tough time letting him go! Luckily he happily agreed that I could come with him to no more worries :)


  1. So sweet! We are debating on the move to a big boy bed. I am scared to let go of the baby jail (crib) though :) How old is your boy now? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks :) He is 2 and and 2 months. He is very tall for his age and was climbing out on his own - or else I would have also left him in "jail" a little longer :)

  2. Isn't that weird to see them go from a crib to a toddler bed? I REALLY wish we could have kept Aubrey in her crib- she too was crawling out and it was too dangerous to keep her in. So how did he sleep? Aubrey was a mess for a few weeks.

    1. He is sleeping great at night - naps are a totally different beast! Lots of toy playing :)

  3. One of the biggest "OMG THEY GROW UP TOO FAST" moments. We moved our girl into her toddler bed around the time she was 16 months or so (yes she was climbing and falling out almost daily at that age). I was amazed at how well she did with the transition, but also so overwhelmed at how fast the time came! Now we are looking at getting her a real big girl's bedroom set for this Christmas and moving up out of the toddler bed! YIKES!

    1. I know, Starting "school" and moving to a toddler bed in the same week has really sent me overboard in the growing up too fast category :)

  4. Oh I remember those days where it just felt like they were becoming more and more independant. I wish you the best with your little guy heading off to pre-school.

    Irish at Dedicated 2 Life



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