March 17, 2013

Happy Monday - Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! It's one of my favorite holidays, being a good Irish girl.

I hope everyone had some fun :) It always makes me think of my family, corned beef and cabbage, four leaf clovers, leprechauns and the color green.

My parents got the little guy a "Mr. Lucky" t-shirt and made a clover "hat" with him. We went for a very green hike - for SoCal anyway! A was a wee bit afraid of the lizards, but enjoyed himself anyway. We enjoyed the great outdoors - did some gardening, ate some pizza and enjoyed each other's company. What could be better - it made me so happy!

In case you were wondering, I always dress the little guy in green for St. Patrick's day. Here is his first St. Patrick's day! So much has changed...

Oh, and I, of course, wore my Family Reunion t-shirt from 1990. I was totally embarrassed to wear it back then...but now, I'm happy I kept it for 23 years (eek!). Hopefully I'll never wear it out. What family traditions do you have? Am I crazy to love St. Patrick's day so much? Hope you had a wonderful one!

Link up any post that makes you happy - the sky's the limit (or just comment if you don't blog)! Grab the button, link up and check out the other posts. If you like some blogs, please take the time to follow them. Thanks for stopping by for week 10 of Happy Monday!

Crazy Casa K, Happy Blog

Make sure to join us next week for Happy Monday! I'll be writing about Spring - a season that always makes me happy :) 


  1. Beautiful pictures!! hope you had a very HAPPY St. Patrick's Day!

  2. Great pictures! I love looking back at pictures from years past to see how far we've come :)

    1. It's pretty amazing isn't it? I can't believe how he's grown in 2 years :)

  3. FUn pictures! I love St. Patty's, it's my favorite holiday

  4. How fun! My boys and I love going out leprechaun hunting on St. Paddy's Day, but Saskatchewan had too much snow this year! Love how warm and green it looks there!

  5. Looks like you have a great time! The pics are gorgeous!

  6. Looks like you had a great St. Patricks Day, love the older pictures! My little one ruined his St. Patricks day shirt before I could get pictures this year, time to move his markers up a bit, lol.

  7. Great pics! Looks like your little one had a blast!!

  8. Gorgeous pictures looks like you had a lovely day :) xx

  9. Love the pics! And no, not crazy to love it that much!

  10. I am visiting from Happy Monday Blog Hop. Already a follower, I love your blog.

  11. I love your youngest and his expression in the car seat!! Hope you had a great holiday!

  12. I love the hat! This is a great way to spend the day with your best bud!

  13. We are Irish, but don't celebrate much. yesterday we just made a green cocktail

  14. You guys look so good!!! Happy St Patty's Day!



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