March 10, 2013

Happy Monday - Something Small

Last week, as I was reading through all the amazing posts that everyone linked up, I was sitting there on my couch smiling. I saw a beautiful photo of a brand new baby girl, families playing scrabble and gardening together, brothers enjoying playing outdoors, smiling baby twin cousins. I read about grand plans for living a healthier life, finding time to spend time with your spouse, and even toilet seat covers. 

The something small that makes me happy? These Happy Monday Posts. It may not be big, but it really lifts my spirits every week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. It is reminds me that there are so many other amazing people out there and how lucky I am to see a small part of your lives!

I love the small moments in life - the smiles, the kisses, the hugs, the time to play. Please continue to share your moments - it always make the week better :)

What's something small that makes you happy? 

Link up any post that makes you happy - the sky's the limit (or just comment if you don't blog)! Grab the button, link up and check out some other posts. If you like some blogs, please take the time to follow them. 

Thanks for stopping by for week 8 of Happy Monday!

Crazy Casa K, Happy Blog

Make sure to join us next week for Happy Monday! I'll be writing about St. Patrick's Day ~ as a good Irish girl, that day always makes me happy!


  1. Being outside with my family!!! That always makes me smile!

  2. Going for a walk on a sunny day makes me smile

  3. thanks for the link up and sharing things that make us happy :)

  4. If you saw some of the restrooms I have been in for our drag racing adventures... you'd understand why toilet seat covers make me SUPER happy. LOL. The best one was when I was washing my hands and a RACCOON ran across the floor right by my feet!

    Hope you have a great week!

    Julia @ Mom on the Run x2 (GT200)

  5. Oh the little daughter helping my son , the two sharing hugs, Hubs offering to wash the dishes only because he knows it's something I really don't enjoy!

  6. Awww, how sweet. The little things in my life include seeing my pups' happy faces every morning.

  7. Waking up with my son in the morning and seeing that first smile of the day!

  8. Being able to go for a run even if im not as fast as I would like to be. Thanks for hosting!

  9. I too love the small moments in life! I love just laying in bed as family watching tv before falling asleep



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