March 12, 2013

Mommy & Me

The little guy and I had some fun while daddy was off on an adventure :)

Once we got over the worst of our awful colds - we really enjoyed ourselves! He is talking up a storm these days, so conversation is getting very interesting..."No wanna" is my fvorite new addition to our conversations...

Highlights from the week?

Relaxing like daddy - while watching Peter Pan :)

His first popsicle

A pony ride (thank you grandma & grandpa!)

Reading Thomas books and face painting! he did it himself....

Glad to have this time to spend with my favorite 2 year old! I can't believe how fast he's growing up!!


  1. I love that age. Everything is new and exciting and they are just getting the words to tell you about it.

  2. He is a cutie pie! Glad you guys enjoyed your time without Daddy.


  3. I LOVE his horse riding cap!! HE IS SO CUTE!



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