March 5, 2013

2013 Declutter Challenge - 40 bags 40 days

I've been meaning to write about this for awhile, but I've been too busy ~ getting rid of clutter :)

We've been a family of three for two years now, and that has brought amazing clutter into our lives! I realize that kids need stuff - but it seems to multiple like crazy! Like it has a mind of it's own. After reading Simplicity Parenting, I've also been trying to cut back on unnecessary stuff in A's life. 

Not only that, but my parents retired recently and have de-cluttered their garage. This is good for them - but - not so great for me. They have brought me multitudes of boxes that they so nicely stored in their garage over the they are in mine!

clutter free, declutter
1)Boxes from my parents, 2) my closet in need of attention and 3) boxes ready to donate!

So the 40 Bags 40 Challenge started on Feb. 13, so we're on day 18. So far I've worked on the boxes in the garage and in A's closet. I have 5 boxes ready to donate, 5 boxes in the trash and 1 of recycled paper. That's I'm one week behind, but trying to catch up! This week I'll be working on my closet and the garage! Check out the challenge yourself and help keep me motivated. My husband will appreciate it... :)


  1. We just did this. It is absolutely a huge process.

  2. Wow your doing awesome! I would love to think I wouldn't have 40 bags to fill....but who know's once I start ...39 maybe Huh!

  3. Kudos!!! I hate stuff but you're right - it multiplies!!! Especially stuffed animals!!! I'm fixing to do a declutter this weekend!!! Thanks for the motivation.

  4. Not bad considering you were all sick. I am doing spring cleaning and have quite a bit to donate. Now to find a charity that will actually use it to help other not pay the big guys check.

  5. I so need to do this. Besides the fact that I have things in my closet that I never wear, someone else could use it :) Thanks.

  6. Your closet doesn't look so bad, but this is great inspiration. I so need to do this! I am working on the kids rooms now since we are repainting them and doing all new furniture, figured it was a great time to get rid of some stuff.
    And you are does seem to multiply like crazy!

  7. WOW! I hadnt heard of this challenge and what a great idea!! KEEP GOING - You can do it! I cant wait to hear and see how it goes :)

  8. I am a pack rat, unfortunately I keep everything. I have letters from JR.High, not good. I do however keep them organized, but I need to learn to let go of certain things already. I have 4 kids, and they are so much like me! It is not good, I went through my 2 girls room yesterday, today I will be doing my boy's room, it's pretty scary in there! We just have too much stuff, and I think this challenge would be something we could benefit from. Thank you for sharing!



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