February 27, 2013

My Panamanian Meal #pcweek2013

When I heard that I was going to Latin America for the Peace Corps - I got really excited. Palm trees, warm weather, salsa dancing, and great food. I had visions of tasty food, filled with exotic spices, black beans, mangoes, tomatoes, cilantro...ah, the dreams. The reality? much different! Panamanian food - at least in my fishing village was pretty much as bland as bland could be!

Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE the warm culture of the Panamanian people! I love the palm trees, the coconuts, the ocean breezes. I love the laughter and the yelling. I don't love the food :) But I decided, for nostalgia's sake to recreate the meal that I ate EVERY day (yes, really). At least every day that I was in my village.

My Panamanian meal!  Tomatoes, Cabbage (with mayo), Patacones (double-fried plantains), Avocado (or whatever was in season), rice and fried fish. It was actually pretty easy to recreate!

Ingredients: Oil (lots!), Rice, Garlic, Onions, Water, Chicken Bouillon, cabbage, mayo, salt, pepper, tomato, plantain, fish!

1) Rice - In a pan, add oil, saute garlic and onions (I forgot the onions!) - once browned, add in 1 cup of rice and mix until covered with oil. Add 1.5 cups of water and a little bouillon, once boiling put heat on low, cover and cook until water is gone!

2) Cabbage salad (oh my god, every day!) - Chop up cabbage, mix liberally with mayo, add salt and pepper. Top with sliced tomato! I couldn't believe that "salad" always meant cabbage and mayo!

3) Patacones (the healthiest part :P). Get a green plantain - peel with a knife (wash your hands, they stain!). Cut into evenly thick pieces. Drop into enough hot oil to cover the pieces. Once slightly cooked, remove from oil. Use something (we always used a can - I'm sure there are more sophisticated options!) to flatten the plantain slices. Put back into oil for 1-2 minutes. Remove from oil add salt!

4) Fish - re-use patacones oil - add fish, fry! I bought de-boned fish without the skin. Normally I would eat an entire fish fried whole. Fun to pick out the bones, oh yes! And to eat the eyes - yuck!

5) Cut an avocado in half and add it to the plate! Tada! - now you have the meal I ate for two years (more or less)! And don't forget a whole glass of water, but not until you eat all your dinner, you wouldn't want to ruin your appetite :)

Now, some things changed depending on the season - lobster, avocado, crab, shrimp, papaya - but the core of the meal was always, always the same. Rice, rice, rice, fish, cabbage, plantains and a big glass of water. It was actually fun to re-create it, and I enjoyed it! Biggest surprise? The tastiest part was the mayo and cabbage :) It's not so bad when you don't have to eat it every day!

It brought back great memories! What meals do you eat that are inspired from other countries?


  1. I happen to like all types of cuisines so I love mixing up my meals!

  2. Wow. I can imagine that would be so monotonous to eat every day. I don't like fish at all so I would not do well down there. But that's a great way to remember old times!

  3. Well it looks good, but I don't think I could do that every day either. I've never had fried plantains though..would like to try them once just to say I have, lol.

  4. I think it looks like a yummy meal! I could eat fish every day no problem!

    1. My husband hates fish so we don't have it nearly enough!

  5. Yum! We try to do a meal inspired from another country once every week or two. This looks awesome!

  6. We eat a variety of meals, drawing from different cultures is just plain FUN. I must admit I couldn't see relishing the same dish every day.

    1. I need to start doing more meals from different countries! It was fun :)

  7. That looks like a great meal! I really need to expand my kids' palates a bit more on cuisine and am grateful they'll try most things at least once.

  8. I love it! Simple and elegant and SO colorful (matches your blog nicely!) Yum-O!

  9. What a beautiful plate! I love that meal!

  10. Beautiful and looks delicious! I am pinning to remember to make soon. Since we are in lent I am making a lot of seafood and vegetarian meals. This works!

  11. This actually sounds very nutritious -- and it is beautiful to behold. LOVE the plantains (we call them tostones...).


    ~ Kim

    1. I've heard them called tostones too! But in panama we called them patacones. I love them :)

  12. I will have to try this, we love fish at our house. I am the only avocado fan though so that would be all mine!!

    1. Ooh, jealous, my little guy eats all the avocados and I rarely get them!

  13. YUM! So healthy!! I want to eat at your house!!!

  14. Looks yummy!Makes a pretty plate, colorful :)

  15. Yum and pinned! That looks so good.



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