February 28, 2013

Day in *My* life

It's throwback day! This post was initially published almost exactly a year ago on my friend's blog - which she has since disbanded, so I thought I'd share it here! Amazing how little life has changed in the last year... :) 

Welcome to life at Crazy Casa K…both my husband and I work full time, I’m a park ranger and my husband works from home. It makes for a busy life, but we love it…most days!

The alarm goes off at 6:30. I usually lie there for a few moments before garnering the willpower to get up! Usually A is making happy noises in his crib. Babbling away. I usually have 20 minutes before he is tired of playing by himself.

Then I go in and get him – the best part of my day is seeing his face light up when I walk in the room. I sing him his morning song “Good morning to you, Good morning to you, you look like a monkey, and you smell like one too!” One day he won’t enjoy this song, but for now, he bobs his head along with a big smile on his face.

I get him dressed and ready for the day. Then he plays while I get his and my breakfast ready. At 7:30 we go in and wake up daddy – making sure he makes his minute long commute down the hallway. Our baby-sitter arrives and chases A around while I scarf down breakfast, get my coffee ready, and update the babysitter on A’s food and schedule for the day.  I try my hardest to get out the door by 7:40 – waving and blowing kisses to A as he eats breakfast.

My days usually consist of meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Just what you imagine a park ranger doing, I know! When I’m not in meetings I hang out at my desk, trying to do some work while not being too distracted by the adorable pictures of A around my office J I’m also lucky to have a big window…
Over lunch I almost always try to make time and run/walk with one of my colleagues. I’m trying to work up to just running! Today I had the chance to both visit the new visitor center (opening June 9th, eek!), and see a roadrunner outside my window – wildlife sighting!

On a normal day I leave work at 5:30 pm – I work 9 hour days, so I can have every other Friday off to spend with my little guy. A gets to play with daddy from 4:30-6:00, and I get to feed him 2nd dinner (yes, he eats two dinners. No, he isn’t a hobbit!).

Since it’s my short day though, I got off a little early today, so we got to go for a walk as a family before it gets dark.  Then he gets a bath (his favorite, favorite thing!), play a little, cuddle, read a book, sing a lullaby, brush his teeth (and scream when I take the toothbrush away) and say “nigh nigh.”

Then I get to relax, wait, no! My amazing husband has started dinner…so we finish making dinner, give the Moose some attention, and most night these days, watch some tv or hockey. I play on the ipad, do some blogging, talk to my husband and get ready for bed…

Read, sleep, and get ready for the next day J Then it starts all over again….just a regular day in the life at Crazy Casa K…


  1. What a cute little boy and that office is beauitful!

    New follower from the Aloha Friday Bloghop!


  2. Great post! I love a day in my life type stories... really lets us get to know you.

  3. You saw an actual roadrunner! How awesome! And that view is amazing!


  4. He is such a cute little man. Thank you for sharing you day with us!

  5. I loved reading about your day! That is so cool that you are a park ranger, but I would have never though you would be in meetings all day! I added you to my reader and look forward to reading more from you!


  6. Your son is SO cute, and your house, too! I love the tree decal in the first set of pictures :) Looks just about as crazy as ours, haha. I can relate :/

  7. Isn't it fun to look back and see how life is ever changing ever the same!

  8. Gotta watch hockey! It's funny how even a year later we still stick with some regular routines :]



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