February 26, 2013

I am an RPCV {#pcweek2013}

I was driving in the car Sunday night and started thinking about where time had gone. I was driving out of LA, to the far, far, far suburbs with a sleeping toddler safely ensconced in the back seat, having just dropped my husband off at the airport - off on an adventure - and I was heading back to our home.

Adventures in suburban Los Angeles
I definitely don't feel like my life is full of adventure right now. Suburban living, Mommy-ing (ok, totally an adventure), Commuting, Running, Cleaning, Cooking. Not living in a fishing village, hiking to Macchu Pichu, teaching elementary school in Spanish, exploring a new culture, living without electricity, burning rice, taking strange boat rides with sea-sick pigs...

As I think about it more, however, my adventures as a Peace Corps Volunteer made my current life possible. I am a better mother because of the Peace Corps, a better employee, a better manager, a better person. Just better.

I am unfazed by a toddler vomiting all over me. I have yet to gag over diapers (yep, can be gross), I can appreciate a good story and am good at building relationships. I have an appreciation for lobster and cabbage. I can eat the same thing over and over and over again if need be. I know that lukewarm beer on an overbearingly hot day is a little bit of heaven. I can handle broken air conditioners and can be very patient - it will all happen in good time. I know how lucky I am - I am grateful for my family, for my home, for the people in my life.

RPCV Panama
My adventures then (2002) and now (2013)
The Peace Corps taught me many, many things. How to smile big, how to wait forever, how to be a part of something bigger than myself, and how to appreciate being me. I may not be living in a hut in a fishing village, but I am, and always will be, a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV). I am still learning from those adventures and making my life better today...more adventures await, I can feel it :)


  1. What a great perspective! Our life is always changing. Sometimes we have big adventures and sometimes their even better than big! Great reminder!

  2. I agree with Hobbies on a Budget- you have such a great positive outlook, no wonder you're always smiling! :)

  3. It's funny how our past can still help define our future and present. We are always that person, just with even better experiences.

  4. what a great outlook to have! I always have regretted not doing something like the Peace Corps become starting my family. Go you!

  5. What a wonderful life experience! I'm sure it really does shape the way you look at your own life. I sometimes feel remorse that I never got out into the world and did anything like that. It's one thing I strongly encourage of my teenage daughter - get out and experience life before settling down.

  6. I know the Peace Corp is hard to get into. Very impressive and appreciated for your service!

  7. How can you make things like that sound like a vacation. I know they were not, but it does not sound totally unpleasant to someone who has never experienced it. It is amazing how the things we do in life change us.

  8. It's really neat that you were in the Peace Corp. I think dedicated service for an extended period of time is very beneficial to an individual, not to mention the relief they provide.

  9. It's amazing you were a part of the Peace corps and you are still benefiting from it... Great outlook!!!

  10. I always wanted to do the Peace Corps. What an amazing experience to have!

  11. I always wanted to be a Peace Corps volunteer, it seems like such an amazing and life changing experience for the volunteers and for those they help. I'm so glad to hear that it had such a positive affect on you.

  12. Very inspirational!! I bet your family is very proud. I have always wanted to learn more about the Peace Corp.



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