February 3, 2013

My Happy Place

The "place" that makes me happiest, isn't really located in one particular location. In reality, I am happiest where the ocean meets the land. I love the beach.

Galapagos, Baja, Maui, Fire Island

It doesn't really matter where, what state, country, continent - as long as I can dig my toes into the sand, smell the salty air, hear the crashing of the waves. Something inside of me just lets go. I can breathe deeper, sleep longer, smile easier.

I'm lucky to live only 45 minutes from the ocean - but really, it's no quite close enough. One day I want to be able to live somewhere where I can hear the ocean as a lullaby and walk the beach every night to recharge. One day!

Maybe growing up in the desert made my love for the beach stronger, who knows. I hope my little guy loves the beach as much as I do...I'm spending my day dreaming of the beach. Hope you have a Happy Monday too!

What place or place makes you feel at home, content, just plain happy? Link up any relevant post about places, vacations, your favorite nook - the sky's the limit (or just comment if you don't blog)! Grab the button, link up and check out some other posts. Thanks for stopping by for week 3 of Happy Monday!

Crazy Casa K, Happy Blog


  1. These pictures are amazing Meghan! Thanks for hosting!

    Julia @ Mom on the Run x2

  2. I'm totally a day at the beach girl too and I prefer the sand with a dash of sea water. I am deathly afraid of the deep sea though.

    1. I am a little too. My husband like to scuba dive but that just makes me nervous. I like to snorkel closer to the shore!

  3. I miss being by the water so much. Beautiful pictures, I'd love to go to the fire islands at some point!

  4. These pictures put me in my happy place too! I miss the water:(

  5. I love the ocean too, but we are 300 miles from it, so I don't get there very often.

  6. I live about and hour from the beach in nj and sometimes that hour isnt close enough for me in the summertime

  7. BEAUTIFUL!! Wait take me with you..lol :00)

  8. My happy place is at the beach, too!

  9. I always loved the beach. Now that we live in the Midwest, I didn't realize how lucky I was!

  10. I am really longing for the beach right now in the weather we are having, lol. My son must be too because he asked to go on a vacation. He is five. :-)

  11. I too love the beach. I was taught as a child that when something is bothering you go to the beach, when a wave comes up, tell it your problem. When the wave goes back out, it takes your problem with it and you no longer have to worry. Granted it does not always work, but I still go there and try.

  12. Is that black sand? Where is that? I think I must have missed that in your post. That is GORGEOUS!


  13. I finally made the connection with who you are and your blog =) Yay for that. The ocean is very nice, and it's nice to be so close to it... but even 45 minutes away is a lot closer than states away =)

    I'm sure you'll get there one day!

  14. Awe, I love the photos in this post! It's great to have a happy place like the beach.

  15. Beautiful pics, there is something mesmerizing about the ocean love being on the beach when it's quite, hate it when the crowds hit!

  16. Those are so beautiful.... I want to be there so bad right now

  17. My happy place is in the mountains. I like the enclosed feeling. At home my bedroom is my happy place. When I get a house I'll have a craft room and that will be my happy place!

  18. I to miss the beach so much! I grew up in the Monterey Bay area, and I always had access to the beaches in Monterey and Santa Cruz. That is the sad thing about living in Arizona, I am so far from the beaches. My kids love going to the beach when we visit in CA. It is so relaxing and peaceful there :)



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