February 12, 2013

Kaboom!'s Playground Love Contest!

You might know, that I'm a park ranger - I believe that parks are for people, that being outside soothes your soul, that everyone needs some green to breathe. I think every single kid has the right to have a safe place to place to play, to just be a kid.

So I was very excited to find out about Kaboom!, one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the United States dedicated to saving play for children. They have served over 6 million kids through building, improving or opening more than 14,000 playgrounds. 

This month they are asking you to send in photos of the playgrounds they love for a chance to win great outdoor toys. Just visit their Facebook site to enter! Hurry, you have to submit your photo by February 19th!

I feel incredibly lucky that I have the option to walk with my son to many outdoor play areas. KaBOOM! wants to make sure that all kids have that opportunity. If you are interested in supporting this mission, there are many ways to help, including volunteering and donating.

I wrote this post as a part of the Global Team of 200, a specialized group of members of Mom Bloggers for Social Good that concentrated on issues involving women and girls, children, world hunger and maternal health. All information used with permission.


  1. I love that idea and the looks of the equipment. We just got a new playground and I am so disappointed with it, the opening is so small I can not fit and I am only 5'4" 117 lbs. I want to play with my son and I can not. I felt horrible for the child that was trying to play and could not fit either, how does that promote being active. I wish they had put up something like in the picture above.

  2. What a great idea. Our small town does have a bunch of local groups that do fundraisers so we can buy our own equipment, but i'm sure there are loads of places who just don't have the same level of community involvement or support and could use something like this!

  3. I had no idea something like this existed - awesome!

  4. This is a really amazing program and VERY important for families and children. Thank you for spreading the word about them and how we can help support them.

  5. 14,000 playgrounds! Wow! That is just too awesome! Thanks for sharing!


  6. I have never heard about Kaboom before... what a great program!

  7. How awesome! Outside play is so important for kids in so many ways. It's also good for the grownups to get out!



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