February 10, 2013

Happy Monday - Here's to your Health!

Happy Monday! I am so glad that you're here :)

I wanted to change things up a little today. I am still going to suggest a topic each week - in case there are some that need a little inspiration. But really, this is a time to collect happy stories. So feel free to link-up any post from this week that makes you happy - or share a comment about what makes you happy!

This week...exercising with my family makes me happy! It's proven that exercise makes you happy...but even better...I love running with my husband and son! This week we ran from our house to a hiking trail nearby. Once we were at top, the little guy wanted to get out and run just like daddy. I love that he is learning to love exercising too. He literally ran all the way down the hill with a huge grin on his face. He loves hiking with us too :)
Family exercise

I want that kind of happy when I am exercising! I have a lot to learn from my son.

I hope he learns to love family time and how much fun exercise can be. I hope I can set a good, healthy example!

What made you happy this week? Link up any post that makes you happy - the sky's the limit (or just comment if you don't blog)! Grab the button, link up and check out some other posts. Thanks for stopping by for week 4 of Happy Monday!

Crazy Casa K, Happy Blog

Make sure to join us next week for Happy Monday! I'll be writing about a hobby that makes me happy!


  1. Remember family and traditions makes me happy. Thanks for the link up!

    1. I love family traditions - especially making new ones :)

  2. Oh fun! What makes me happy is relaxing with my boys cuddling on the couch. It's such a little thing but always the highlight of my day!

    1. I love cuddling with my little guy at the end of the day!!

  3. This is really fun! Thanks for the great linky and post idea :)

  4. Great idea! I will have to come back next week and link up with you!

  5. Today I am happy that I can eat chocolate and still lose weight! LoL!


  6. I am happy because we didn't get nearly as much snow as we were supposed to from Nemo!

  7. Spending time in the kitchen with my family made me happy! I love sharing and teaching what I know and my kids are so eager to learn, taste and try!

    I agree that the joy kids show while exercising is amazing. They just love to move and have fun.

    1. My little guy just helped make pancakes for the first time this weekend - it was awesome! they really do thrive by learning what we are doing!

  8. Great post!! Thanks for sharing what makes you happy. Some of the things that make me happy are: my dogs, sunshine, freebies and a good night's sleep!

    1. Ahhh, a good night's sleep - I so dream of that :) I also need to spend more time with my dog - he makes me happy too :) Thanks for sharing!

  9. Relaxing and playing games with friends, while sharing good eats! Just did this last night and I really needed the time away from my computer.

  10. Celebrating my twins' 2nd Birthday has made me happy this weekend :) YAY!

  11. Wow, looked like a beautiful day for a family walk, while getting some natural Vitamin D and exercise! Thanks for the link up!

  12. Great post,love hiking, running not so much. To day I am also one that is happy to have been spared by Nemo,living farther north paid off for a change :)

  13. Being out with my family in nature makes me so happy!

  14. I always workout with my kids, usually just the youngest being that he is with me all day. He loves yoga, who would have thought a 3 year old would like yoga.

  15. What an inspiring idea. I want to have more fun w/ exercising too. Walking on the treadmill is just not much fun.

  16. I made it to the gym twice last week! That made me happy!

  17. I already commented but had to come back to say that I am REALLY REALLY proud of myself for making it to the gym today (second time in a year!!!) I fell so great and want to keep exercising. Thanks (LOL) just had to share :)

  18. Hey, new follower from the Aloha Friday Blog Hop. Exercising is great and you always feel so good afterwards. Lovely photos! Looking forward to reading more of your blog. :)




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