February 20, 2013

Good intentions

I had great blogging intentions this week! But then a horrible cold hit the household...so instead of actually following through...I will just tell you about them. Sorry!

I was going to write a post about my beautiful, talented, wonderful sister. It was her birthday and I'm so glad she's in my life. A is lucky to have an aunt that lives close by :)

I was going to link-up to the Come On, Get Happy blog hop. I'm all for getting more happy in my life! Instead, I'll just encourage you to stop by :)

I was going to write a review of this cute kid's book - and link up to a Kid Lit blog hop....next week! Keep an eye out.

Lastly, I was going to remind you that I have two giveaways open right now, one closing at midnight - for a 2 yr. subscription to RedWeek - a site for timeshare rentals - the other, a gift basket for cold and flu medicine from Little Remedies (needed in my home right now!) that ends on Saturday!

I'm just starting to feel better so hopefully I'll get around to being more productive soon! Hope you are feeling ok in your household!


  1. I am sorry you were not feeling well, we just had it at our house and all we had on hand was children's medicines, they work well for adults too! Looking forward to your posts next week. Happy Belated Birthday to your sister.

  2. Sorry that sickness derailed all your plans. Hope you feel 100% soon!


  3. So sorry you guys were feeling bad! It's def not easy to juggle everything when Mama's sick! Glad you're feeling a bit better!

  4. Colds have been going around every where! They sound like great posts none-the-less!!!!

  5. I'm sorry you're not feeling well! We've had that going around our house for weeks now... :/

  6. I know how that is, we got hit by it hard too. It has been a weird and strong season for colds this year. Hope you guys feel better real soon!



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