February 17, 2013

Happy Monday - What I Love to Do!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone found something to make them happy this week...I can't wait to hear about it :)

What makes me really happy? Having time to read! Now that my little guy is a little older, I can find time to read again. I've read three books in the last week. That is happiness :) Once it gets a little warmer I dream of sitting out in my yard, with the beautiful hanging strands of light, on my swinging chair with a hot chocolate just enjoying a good book. My home is pretty much overrun with books - so now that I have some time, I have no shortage of books to read!

I have always - well, as long as I can remember - been an avid reader. I love books. I love good sentences, beautiful words, great characters. I love escaping into another world - I even love not so great books that let me escape for a little bit :) I love learning. I have my dad to thank for my love of books - I only hope I pass it on to my son.

I go through phases...Chick Lit, Russian Classics, Parenting Books, Sci-Fi, Documentaries...but I'm pretty much a fan of any genre. My all time favorite? Probably a tie between Anne of Green Gables and The Secret Garden. Right now I'm sort of in a Teen Dystopian and Parenting Book Phase - but I think I need some new inspiration.

What about you? What books make you happy? I'd love some suggestions!

What made you happy this week? Link up any post that makes you happy - the sky's the limit (or just comment if you don't blog)! Grab the button, link up and check out some other posts. Thanks for stopping by for week 5 of Happy Monday!

Crazy Casa K, Happy Blog

Make sure to join us next week for Happy Monday! I'll be writing about a how I try and make my house a happy place!


  1. Great Books you mentioned. I have a weakness for self-help, motivational and christian faith books.

    Thanks so much for hosting. = )

    Irish at Dedicated 2 Life

  2. I love to read, too! I have so many books! Most of the ones that I have, I keep for reference. They are Christian, Cookbooks, self-help books, health books, how-to books. I do have some fiction books that I haven't gotten to, but I usually give those away once I'm done with them.

    Thanks for the Happy Linky!

  3. I too love books and reading. I am in a slump right now and not wanting to read. ALl my free time when I can read, I am chosing to nap. I guess that's what happens when you have a toddler who's not sleeping well at all!

  4. I go in spurts with reading, but lately I have been doing more book reviews on my blog so it helps keep me in the reading loop! Speaking of which... I have one to write and two to read. It's exciting. I used to hate reading (despised it with a passion) but recently picked up the joy of reading within the last couple of years! Now it's definitely my happy time!

  5. I also love books, which is one reason that I became a librarian. I am so happy that my daughter also already loves books. She is only 14 months old.

  6. we love to read in our house and often read chapter books out loud to another now instead of watching TV
    thanks for sharing

  7. We love to read too. All books make me happy. Like you, I go through phases. I'm loving Dystopian right now!

  8. Oh, how I love and miss reading. I've been making the conversion to ebooks for myself, though, and love nothing more than reading in a bubble bath. :-)

  9. I also love books. Fiction and YA fiction too. I am able to read again now that my kids are a bit older too. So enjoyable.

  10. Reading is one of my major pleasures too! We should exchange must reads!

  11. We are big readers here too! My son has been in the top of his class for reading which I love but need to get him to be that good at math(;

    Love the pic of him "reading" his book!

  12. Isn't reading wonderful? I need to find a good series to get into it again. I have a hard time finding a series that I like. If I wasn't so picky I would read more!

  13. Anne of Green Gables is one of my all time favorites too!! Love reading and being able to travel the world through the pages of a book!

  14. Sounds nice and relaxing, love sitting in the yard reading, I just need to make more time for it once winter is out of here :)

  15. I read so much last year but I have gotten lazy this year, though I did start "Poisonwood Bible" the other day. :)


  16. I always get picked on because I will find a good book and refer to it as a vacation, it is a nice way to get away and not worry about anything. I am finally getting back into reading a bit.

  17. We also love to read. I love when we turn off all the house distractions and all grab a book. I use to have to schedule the kids reading time, but now that my two oldest have finally found their genres, I have to tell them to out the books away. I LOVE IT! There was one night that I caught my daughter with the flash light and book under her pillow, I remembered when I would do that. She is specially and does bring such happiness.

  18. I so wish I had some more time to read these days!!!



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