September 3, 2012

Mommy & Me - on vacation!

As a working mom, I often feel like I don't get the quality time I need with my little guy...which is why I am so looking forward to our upcoming vacation. I know, I do, that in many ways vacation with a toddler is actually more work. The "getting there" part is especially stressful. But it can also be so much more fun.

We've been lucky enough to be able to travel quite a bit with A in his first year and a half of life. On the whole, he has been pretty good at adapting. Sleep isn't as good as it is at home, but time changes confuse my internal clock too, so how can I blame him?

The best parts? Watching him experience new things. Seeing the world from a toddler's perspective. Things I wouldn't think were interesting can catch his attention for long stretches of time (luggage tags, for example!). He's willing to try new foods, makes lots of friends (by waving to everyone in existence) and we end up exploring places we otherwise might not have gone.

We've had some fun times on our vacations!

I think this trip has potential to be a great one. Lots of outdoor time, lots of hotel rooms with 2 separate rooms, maybe even some trains! Wish us luck :)


  1. I'm so jealous you've been able to travel a lot! Carina is not the best traveler lol...

  2. Yay! Another fellow working mom who feels the mom guilt over not getting to spend as much time with her little one as she would like. I had to follow your blog just to have a kindred blogger. Good luck on your vacation. We are going to the beach next month and I am nervous, but scared. We also have a separate room for Destructo so I am hoping that will make things easier.

    1. I checked out your blog as well! Good luck on your next vacation - it will all work out :)

  3. Lots of outdoor time and trains! Sounds like a great vacation. Have fun!

  4. That sounds like a wonderful time! It's amazing what captures toddlers attention that we don't normally see!

  5. That pic of him in the hat is just too cute! We've also been lucky to travel with our son. I figure put him on a plane as much as we can while he's still free! We've put in our time on planes with kids crying so we figured we've earned a meltdown or two of our own if it happenens!

    1. We only have two more flights before he turns 2, trying to take advantage!



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