August 2, 2012

Peace Corps Past

Sometimes my life seems monotonous. Not bad, just a little repetitive. I live in the suburbs. I drive to work every day. I sit at my desk. I work at my computer. I drive home. I hug my son. I kiss my husband. I make dinner or do the dishes. I blog and exercise somewhere in there. I go to bed. I start again.

Sometimes I forget that I have had some amazing adventures. I still have great adventures ahead of me.

I spent two years in Panama as a Peace Corps Volunteer (not sure if I've mentioned this here or not!). They were amazing years. I need to scan some more pictures to show you better these great years. Because they were life changing years - you know "the toughest job you'll ever love." I can't believe that I started my Peace Corps journey over 12 years ago.  

I was stationed in Boca Chica, Chiriqui, Panama. A small fishing village on the Pacific Coast. I lived in the very tiny house you see below. I learned a lot, made great friends, met fascinating people and had fun. I will share more, I promise, but wanted to share a little with you, now, as I thought about it :)


  1. Please write more about this! So interesting!

  2. Hey, I lived in Panama when I was a kid! :)

    1. Crazy! Where did you live? It was a fascinating country

  3. That is AWESOME!! I so wish I could have done something like that!

  4. How awesome. I can't wait to read more posts about it.

  5. Wow, that's really neat. What an opportunity!

  6. That is awesome. I can't wait to read more about this too!

    1. Thanks...I need to scan some photos, it was really an amazing part of my life!

  7. Sounds like fun! Wishing I had some adventures before marriage and kids, but I guess my adventures will have to wait ;) Here's to the "monotonous mommies" :)

    (NGF, found you through sippy cup chronicles!)

    1. There is always time for adventures, right? There was a 77 year old Peace Corps volunteer when I was there... :) Glad I'm not the only one that feel monotonous sometimes!

  8. Hi Meghan,
    I'm visiting from Sippy Cup Chronicles Favorite Friday Blog Hop! Glad I came...loved your story...I was in high school and college in the 60's and was always sorry I hadn't joined the Peace lovely of you to share your adventure. :) Hope you will come and visit my blog:



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