August 3, 2012

Window treatments...

Another area of my home that could use a little work, but that fall to the bottom of the priority list, are my windows.

I wouldn't call the windows in my home "treated." They are utilitarian blinds. The sliding doors have some drapes, and the living room has a black out shade for the TV. A's room needs some black-out shades as well.

The majority of my windows look like this
I have been coveting curtains/drapes/blinds from the following places. I think I have window indecision issues :) So here are my ideas - hopefully creative!

I love Dwellstudio - usually on the pricey side for me, but I love the look. A had dwellstudio crib bedding :)

Dwellstudio Curtains
 I also adore Westelm, just wish there was one a bit closer to me!

Loving the Roman shades - and the strange sculpture
 Of course, Ikea always has cost effective - and often cute, options. Only 45 minutes away :)

For more of my ideas on "dream" window treatments...check out my pinterest board.

Also, there are great ideas from other creative bloggers on the Kelly's Korner home tour!


  1. Hi there! Stopping over from Kelly's. :) Love the ideas you've gathered! Your home looks comfy and cozy regardless. Take care!

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) I do feel cozy in my home, regardless of the windows!

  2. I love West Elm drapes too, but they're so stinking expensive that I try to find look alikes. Good luck choosing something!

    1. Thanks! I love west elm, but can rarely afford them...but I can dream, right?



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