August 16, 2012

Brew at the LA Zoo

Last weekend we managed not only to have a date night but to go all the way into LA for our date :) This is quite a feat for us suburbanites! I admit, it really wasn't that far, and totally worth it.

So earlier this year we joined the LA Zoo...part of my quest to give money locally this year! So a few weeks ago I got an e-mail for "Brew at the Zoo" - beer tasting and animal watching after hours. Since with our membership we got a discount, I decided why not go for it :)

It was a lot of fun. We got there early, so for most of the time there were not huge lines, many of the animals were out (after an oppressively hot day of hiding) and there were even live bands and a comedy show.

It was fun just hanging out with my husband, not worrying where our toddler was running off to next. Date nights are so very important :)

And, we found two new breweries that we love: Hangar 24 and Noble Ale - both Southern California local!

Overall, I'd call that a success!



  1. Sounds like an awesome date night! Glad you two got to get out. If you liked Hanger 24, next time you're driving to the desert, you can stop at the brewary in Redlands and sample the whole line. It is also a fun day trip when you're visiting at the holidays. And you can buy growlers of the beer!

    1. We'll have to make that a priority next time we are on our way down to the desert! Think they'd fill up a growler from a different brewery (jk)? Hope to see you soon :)

  2. I'm stopping by from Kelly's Korner today. Sounds like you had a terrific time on your date.



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