August 17, 2012

CA living...outside!

For this installation of my home tour, we're going outside!

One of the best things about living in Southern California is the ability to pretty much live outside. While I don't have a porch, I do have a great yard, with an inner courtyard and some beautiful flowers. Our backyard is also greatly improved, due mostly to my husband's hard work and great ideas!

We debated back and forth for a long time about whether to really invest in expensive patio furniture (and there are some expensive sets out there!) or to get a "starter" set and see what happens. We decided to go with the cheaper set and I think it's been a great idea. It is very utilitarian, but serves its function. The chairs in particular are really good for guests, fireworks and can easily withstand getting soaked (in case you accidentally leave them out in the sprinklers).

A year later we found the swing on super sale and integrated it into the yard...I love sitting out here on weekend mornings drinking my coffee and hanging out with Mr. A. It's also great for hanging out with the grandparents when they come visit - three generations all fit on the swing at once :)

I'd still love to fit a hammock somewhere in the yard as well as to find a way to add a little more color. I probably need some more little people furniture too :) The one cute, red chair isn't quite enough to keep the little guy's attention!

For more great ideas on patio furniture or porch living - please check out Kelly's Korner!


  1. I love your porch , it would be so nice to be able to be outside each day here in my neck of the woods it gets cold and snow in the winter so I am soaking up each day here .....

  2. Hi Meghan, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris



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